Gleymt lykilorð


4.208 eru með Sagnfræði sem áhugamál
17.290 stig
708 greinar
845 þræðir
44 tilkynningar
3 pistlar
890 myndir
388 kannanir
27.169 álit


DutyCalls DutyCalls 1.156 stig
STAVKA STAVKA 1.090 stig
ritter ritter 576 stig
br75 br75 266 stig
Rembrandt Rembrandt 206 stig
ornbj ornbj 192 stig
MooMoo MooMoo 162 stig


Yakov Dzhugashvili (14 álit)

Yakov Dzhugashvili Yakov Dzhugashvili var elsti sonur Jósef Stalíns og átti hann hann með sinni fyrstu konu. Hann fæddist árið 1907 en þeim feðgum kom aldrei vel saman. Hann skaut sig í höfuðuð eitt sinn útaf því hversu illa Stalín kom fram við hann en sjálfsmorðið mistókst og þá er haft eftir Stalín “Hann getur ekki einusinni skotið sig almennilega”.

Svo gekk hann í Rauða herinn en var handsamaður af þjóðverjum eftir Orrustuna um Stalingrad. Þjóðverjarnir vildu skipta við Sovétmenn á Yakov og Friedrich Paulus en Stalín féllst ekki á það. Ekki er alveg vitað hvenær árið 1943 Yakov dó en flestir segja að hann hafi drepið sig með því að hlaupa á rafmagnsgirðingu í þýskum fangabúðum.

Á myndinni sést Yakov í haldi þjóðverja.

Der Führer (38 álit)

Der Führer Hafið ekki áhyggjur, Foringinn leiðir okkur inn í betri framtíð…


Randy Shughart (4 álit)

Randy Shughart Respect á þennan mann og félaga hans. Rosalegt hugrekki

Sergeant First Class (SFC) Shughart, U.S. Army, distinguished himself by actions above and beyond the call of duty on 3 October 1993, while serving as a Sniper Team Member, United States Army Special Operations Command with Task Force Ranger in Mogadishu, Somalia.

Shughart provided precision sniper fire from the lead helicopter during an assault on the target building and at two helicopter crash sites, while being subjected to intense automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenade fire. While providing critical suppressive fire at the second crash site of Super 64, Sergeant First Class Shughart and his team leader, Master Sergeant Gary Gordon, learned that ground forces were not immediately available to secure the site. Shughart and his team leader unhesitatingly volunteered to be inserted to protect the four critically wounded personnel, despite being well aware of the growing number of enemy personnel closing in on the site.

After their third request to be inserted, Shughart and his team leader received permission to perform this volunteer mission. When debris and enemy ground fire at the site caused them to abort the first attempt, he and his team leader were inserted one hundred meters south of the crash site. Shortly after, the Blackhawk that had inserted Gordon and Shughart was hit by an RPG, but managed to crash land back at the U.S. controlled airport.

Equipped with only his M-14 rifle and a Colt M1911 .45 caliber pistol, SFC Shughart and his team leader, while under intense small arms fire from the enemy, fought their way through a dense maze of shanties and shacks to reach the critically injured crew members of Super Six Four. He pulled the crew members, including pilot Mike Durant, from the aircraft, and established a perimeter which placed him and his fellow sniper in the most vulnerable position.

Shughart used his rifle and side arm to kill an undetermined number of attackers while traveling the perimeter, protecting the downed crew. After his team leader was fatally wounded and his own rifle ammunition exhausted, Shughart recovered Gordon's CAR-15 and searched the helicopter's wreckage, recovering several of the crew chief's M-16s. He returned to Durant, giving him Gordon's CAR-15 with only the last magazine half full. Gordon had managed to fire all but 15 rounds before being fatally wounded. Shughart then returned to the wreckage without saying another word. When he finished the M-16s' ammunition, SFC Shughart continued to fight armed only with his Colt .45 pistol until he was fatally wounded. His actions saved Durant's life.

In the 2001 movie adapted from the Battle of Mogadishu (Black Hawk Down by Ridley Scott), SFC Shughart was portrayed by actor Johnny Strong.

Nasista foringinn Hermann Göring. (9 álit)

Nasista foringinn Hermann Göring. Hann stjórnaði Gestapo* í seinniheimsstyrjöldinni.

*Geheime Staatspolizei = secret state police

Uppkast (10 álit)

Uppkast operation sealion, uppkastið að innrásinni í brelandi :]

Constantinople,1453 (11 álit)

Constantinople,1453 Fall Constantinople arið 1453,þegar Tyrkir undir stjorn Mehmed II toku borgina eftir u.þ.b manaðar umsatur. (Myndin er maluð arið 1499 af oþekktum malara)

Hannibal (11 álit)

Hannibal Hinn mikli herforingi Hannibal

Þjóðarmorðið í Rwanda (9 álit)

Þjóðarmorðið í Rwanda Þessi mynd sýnir 150 Tutsi bændur sem er búið að slátra af hernum á Nyanza Hill.

napóleon (7 álit)

napóleon Napóleon sést þarna á hvíta hest sínum í ásamt franska hernum í suður frakklandi 1814.

Kvennmenn í Hernum (5 álit)

Kvennmenn í Hernum Hérna er ein dama tilbúin inni í þýskum panzer til að láta karlmannableiður óvinanna finna fyrir te-vatninu!
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..