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Re: FF X-2 í annari hendinni og.....

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 1 mánuði
heheh..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my burning will quoth this raven: Nevermore!

Re: Final Fantasy X-2

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 1 mánuði
ohh þetta er örugglega 350-asti sami pósturinn..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my burning will quoth this raven: Nevermore!

Re: Japanska Final Fantasy XII síðan opnar

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 1 mánuði
djöfull á þetta eftir að vera flottur leikur mar!!<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my burning will quoth this raven: Nevermore!

Re: Sephiroth

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 1 mánuði
djöss bögg er þetta í þér!<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my burning will quoth this raven: Nevermore!

Re: Greinar

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 1 mánuði
helv**** meðf****nferð skemmir allt fyrir mér hérna..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my burning will quoth this raven:...


í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 1 mánuði
ég er orðinn soldið þreyttur á þessu rugli..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my burning will quoth this raven: Nevermore!

Re: FF X-2

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 1 mánuði
það væri nú bara of gott til að vera satt..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my burning will quoth this raven: Nevermore!

Re: 1 sem þarfnast svara

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 1 mánuði
þú verður bara að checka á þessu öllu,gamefaqs,ffonline,avalanche,fffreak,squaresoft,ffinsider og svo veit er Guðni fight með allt shittið um ff8..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: Hvenar kemur FFX2 til íslands?

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 1 mánuði
fílar þú Shadow hearts?<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: Fyrstu myndir af Final Fantasy XII

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
djöfull hlakkar í mér núna,þetta er ábyggilega fokkin geðsjúkur leikur!!<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: Hvenar kemur FFX2 til íslands?

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
KH2 og SH2 eru líka á leiðinni..mar skemmtir sér frekar í Syphon filter og Resident evil þangað til!<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: 1 sem þarfnast svara

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
það er bara málið að finna þetta allt á is everything you need to and can know..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: 1 sem þarfnast svara

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
vel verið að það sé hægt samt..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts


í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
“everything is possible if you reach for your path” hefði einhver unsent gleraugnaglámurinn sagt..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: FF á móts við aðra leiki

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
ég er búinn að klára alla leikina nema 1,2 og 5..5 hjá mér er ónýtur,ég er búinn að vinna VII 6 sinnum,VIII 3 sinnum,IX 4 sinnum,X tvisvar(er að vinna hann í 3 skiptið) IV einu sinni og VI einu sinni.. ..ef ég þyrfti að velja milli Zelda,Final fantasy og Resident evil(even Shadow hearts) þá myndi ég velja FF..thats for sure!

Re: Hvað fynnst þér um FFX??

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
góður leikur en það eru til betri FF leikir..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: Final Fantasy XI

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
er 11 kominn??<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts


í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
það ER erfitt..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: Summons FFVIII(gefðu þessu bara sjéns!!)

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
i know..

Re: Er það ég eða????

í Metall fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
alveg sammála það eru fjandi góð lög,bestu lög mín með honum eru: Paranoid,Gipsy,Children of the grave,N.I.B,Iron man,Spiders in the night,waiting for darkness,you won´t change me og Rock ´n roll doctor!!<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: guardian forces

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
hann kemur samt í staðinn fyrir Odin,ekki satt? the phoenix pinions are not useless i can tell you..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: guardian forces

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
ég náði því í mitt seinna skipti,vann leikinn fyrst fyrir 3 árum,þá var ég ekki einu sinni með Bahamut,né neina fyrir framan Cerberus..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: guardian forces

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
vegna þess að það er soldið mál og það hafa ekki næstum allir the guts to get it..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: guardian forces

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
ertu ekki kominn með Gilgamesh í staðinn fyrir Odin..og Phoenix?<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: heh..times have passed...

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
djöfull eruð þið slappir að gefast svona upp,keep it up,ég bara get aldrei gert neitt almmennilegt hérna,er út í sveit(meðferð ef þið viljið kallað það frekar)og fæ svo lítið að vera í andskotans tölvunni!<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..