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Re: heh..times have passed...

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
fjandi góð líking..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts


í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
ég bara nenni ekki að fighta sona lengi,mar er samt meira en hálfnaður,mar þarf bara að vinna hann svo oft án þess að save-a og hann verður alltaf erfiðari með tímanum,6 fuckin sinnum!! og ég er með öll celestial vopnin,það eina sem ég eftir að fá er sigil fyrir Lulu og Kimahri,það er svo mikið mál að fá það..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me!...

Re: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
djöfull verður það cool en samt ekki..its gonna take much to convince me..

Re: Er það ég eða????

í Metall fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
dreamer..? “im a dreamer,i dream my life away..” það lag? það er bara kazaa eða dc++..morpheus kannski…<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: Er það ég eða????

í Metall fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
ég hef alltaf fíla þennan mann í botn!<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts


í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
það steypa margir um FF..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts


í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
oki Riku minn ég er nokkurn veginn sammála þér en nú skaltu segja mér hvernig þú vannst Dark Yojimbo and i want an honest answer..ekki það ég skil þig alveg með Zanmato,ég notaði það bara á Anima og Ixion en vann hina venjulega.en djöfull var ég glaður þegar ég vann alla gaurana í special conquest og Dark Bahamut mar shit that was hard as Lusiferian fire!<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it...

Re: Clash

í Metall fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
síðan hvenær er The Clash metall?<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: Könnunin!

í Metall fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
þú ert greinilega bara hataður!<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: FFX-2

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
fornenska rúllar!<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: smá hjálp - FF VII

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
hvar ertu þar inni,ertu kominn með morph materia?<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts


í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
alveg hægt að sleppa því að nota Zanmato sérstaklega gegn Dark Valefor,hann er bara skítur á priki mar,Energy blast and Tornado overdrivin are the yours!!<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts


í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
omega dungeon er málið..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: Death - Human

í Metall fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
gef henni 6,5 af 10,á tvo diska með þeim og þeir eru bara fínir..

Re: System of a down

í Metall fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
átti þetta að vera grein,meira að segja nafnið þitt er vitlaust..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: FFX-2

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
í febrúar-mars..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: islands in FFVIII

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
allt skítlétt,mest allt af þessum leik er skítlétt ef mar spilar hann rétt..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: ff

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
þetta svara ansi mörgu…<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts


í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
hún er öflug! og þú líka..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: From Cradle To Enslave

í Metall fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
nei bara djöflar sem Satan er að creata þarna,þeir eru samt flestir til í alvörunni!<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: ff7 í bt á 2999kr! :)

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
var ekki 3 sami leikur og annaðhvort 4 eða 6? mig minnir að ég hafi heyrt það eitthverstaðar,some answers people?!?<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: From Cradle To Enslave

í Metall fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
þeir eru reyndar í kirkju..já þetta er svaka flott myndband..alveg perfect pussan sem birtist í myndbandinu..hvernig var etta…gellan sem höggvið var hausinn af,teeth wide open gaurinn,Elizabeth cuttar Adrian á háls,Lecter var bara flæktur í keðjur og misþyrmt,Gian drap stelpuna í búrinu og síðan Dani þarna í lokin..þetta myndband gengur út á það að þeir sem eru með þetta sacred mark á sér brenna í helvíti og skilaboðin sem verið er að gefa í þessu er bara don´t forget hell!tókstu ekki líka...

Re: Daniel Filth lendir í bílslysi!

í Metall fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
Í fyrsta lagi heitir hann Dani Davey Filth,ekki Daniel. Í öðru lagi þá er etta ekki gay band og tökum sem dæmi Dani,hann á gellu sem heitir Toni og á með henni dóttur sem heitir Luna. nenni ekki að hafa í fleiri lögum en meikiði ekki að hafa bara ykkur skoðanir bara útaf fyrir ykkur og hinn helmingurinn gerir bara það sama..það má greinilega ekki minnast á þessa hljómsveit og þá byrjar ballið.. ..og ef þetta átti að hafa gerst þá væri ég búinn að vita af því á undan þér sýruhausinn þinn!!...

Re: ff7 í bt á 2999kr! :)

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
jamms..það er nú fínt að ég á þetta ennþá en mig vantar bara 5..hinn ónýtur,þá er ég kominn með allt í lagi safn..1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9 og 10.<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: gleimdu þessu

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
hvaða fretfuntukunta ert þú?<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..