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Re: Dark Aeons in FF-X

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 1 mánuði
ef etta er eitthvað viðbjóðslegt mál notaðu þá bara Yojimbo!<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my burning will quoth this...

Re: Kingdom Hearts

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 1 mánuði
oki skildi ég þetta rétt að þú varst að kenna okkur að nota…harla spennandi ef þú varst að tala um KH1 en 2 er pínu interesting…<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You...

Re: ag-

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 1 mánuði
ég skildi ekki shit..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my burning will quoth this raven: Nevermore!

Re: Hands on FFX-2 !

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 1 mánuði
englaryk..heheh..já þetta verður ábyggilega magnaður leikur en kemur hann 15.febrúar?

Re: Jecht Shot og Blitzball

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 1 mánuði
jú væntanlega og hversu öflugur þú ert,það er málið..

Re: P.O.D.

í Metall fyrir 21 árum, 1 mánuði
mætti ég spyrja hvað þú myndi vilja meina með þessu ef þetta ætti að fara til mín?<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my...

Re: Jecht Shot og Blitzball

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
Brother er í loftskipinu,Naida er í Calm lands sjoppunni,Ropp er i Rin rtravel agency,þar sem chocobo eater var og Linna er í Macalania temple..

Re: Final Fantasy x

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
er einhver munur? já reyndar..annars myndi það ekki standa…<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my burning will quoth this...

Re: Ósvaraðar FFX spurningar

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
1. er spurning,2. verðuru bara að svara sjálfur og 3. er já en hvernig það vita fáir..það er allavega summoner job í honum..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel...

Re: P.O.D.

í Metall fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
já þeir eru heavy metal or at least metal,það er á hreinu en ekkert annað..þeir eru fínir,öskra í nafni Guðs…<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light...

Re: Korn

í Metall fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
ég er alveg sammála þér,þeir eru heavy metal,en þeir samt koma ekki nálægt svartmálmi eða einhverju soleiðis if somebody think so..Korn eru líka eitt af mínu uppáhald,virkilega sérstök tónlist!<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship...

Re: Every time I die - Hot damn

í Metall fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
me neither..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my burning will quoth this raven: Nevermore!

Re: Jecht Shot og Blitzball

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
aðalliðið mitt var og er og mun vera: Tidus Linna Brother Naida Ropp(að mig minnir,annars var það einhver annar betri) Keepa(eða Nimrook,hann er reyndar töluvert betri) Botta Kyuri.. þetta lið rúllar!

Re: Jecht Shot og Blitzball

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
ég hef unnið þennan leik 4-1 og það var ekkert mál..þetta er ekkert mál ef þú kannt leikinn og ert góður!

Re: Gleðileg Jól

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
svoldið seint að segja gleðileg jól en betra seint en aldrei kútarnir mínir og gleðilegt nýtt ff ár!!

Re: Í FFX...?

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
hann bara kemur..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my burning will quoth this raven: Nevermore!

Re: úrvals metall!

í Metall fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
immortal og Napalm death eru góðir..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my burning will quoth this raven: Nevermore!

Re: FFX-2 byrjunarmyndband

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
ég var eitthvað að pæla í honum,er hann góður?<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my burning will quoth this raven: Nevermore!

Re: ekki ff tengt...

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
það er nú ekki hægt að enda eins og hún/hann/það,gleðilega hátíð pjakkur..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my burning...

Re: Hahaha

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
SPOILER! svo er þetta höll í eigu shin-ra,Sephiroth notfærði sér hana bara í verkefnunum sínum..þar að auki er Vincent ex-turk og var útskúfaður vegna Hojo´s og Lucreciu(sem er alvöru-mamma Sephiroth´s,Jenova er rót klónana sem voru gerð af verkum Hojo´s og Sephiroth 2 var einn af þeim,Cait Sith er tæki ekki dýr..svo er Yuffie “ninja” ekki Vincent Valentine..sá sem gerði þessa könnun er algjör rugludallur!<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within...

Re: Áhyggjur

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
Hey nefi ég var einmitt að pæla í þessu um daginn,ég er alveg 100% agree with u..góð pæling,really makes u think..

Re: úrvals metall!

í Metall fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
Slayer góðir en Sepultura er svona Soulfly/Slipknot tónlist en samt eru þeir betri en þeir,á The roots og hann er ágætur..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel...

Re: FFX-2 byrjunarmyndband

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
hvernig kemst ég inn á þetta montrass?<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my burning will quoth this raven: Nevermore!

Re: Hvenær kemur FFX-2????

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
nálægt Pennanum..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my burning will quoth this raven: Nevermore!

Re: úrvals metall!

í Metall fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
að mínu mati er topp 10 metal listinn minn svona: 1.Cradle of filth 2.Children of bodom 3.KoRn 4.Dimmu borgir 5.Black Sabbath 6.Iron Maiden 7.Deicide 8.Opeth 9.Deftones 10.Death en hvað finnst ykkur um Orgy,mér finnst það vera soldið sérstök músík og soldið gömul heheh..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand...
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..