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Re: ok

í Final Fantasy fyrir 20 árum, 8 mánuðum
hnífinn sinn..umff einmitt heheh!<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my burning will quoth this raven: Nevermore!

Re: að byrja

í Final Fantasy fyrir 20 árum, 8 mánuðum
Ég byrjaði á FFVII eða 7 og hann var nóg til að fá þennan sjúka FF fíling þanni að ég ráðlegg þér að byrja á honum og fara kannski síðan í IX eða 9..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me...

Re: Final Fantasy X-2

í Final Fantasy fyrir 20 árum, 8 mánuðum
sammála þér með allt nema battle systemið það hefu alrei verið betra..næstum!<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my...

Re: CoF

í Metall fyrir 20 árum, 8 mánuðum
búinn að fara þangað..hann var með Princess of darkness og Heavy left handid and candiD(dvd)sem ég keypti..en hitt var búið..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel...

Re: CoF

í Metall fyrir 20 árum, 8 mánuðum
ja satt hjá þér en síðan er líka til I raped then virgin Mary og Total fucking darkness sem ég veit að sé bara ekki til á Íslandi þanni gða ég nenni ekki að vera að pæla í þeim..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in...

Re: Meistarar Black Sabbath - Part 0

í Metall fyrir 20 árum, 8 mánuðum
é hef nú oft verið sammála þér eða þetta er nú bara hið hreinasta bullcrap!! black sabbath byrjuðu 68-9 og gáfu út plöturnar Black Sabbath (eða svarta messan eða andinn) og Paranoid..það var byrjunin..síðan hætti James Michael Osbourne og Ronnie James Dio kom í staðinn fyrir hann..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other...

Re: metallica æði ?

í Metall fyrir 20 árum, 8 mánuðum
i agree..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my burning will quoth this raven: Nevermore!

Re: hjálp everybody kíkiði á etta shit sem vitið eitthvað um FF,allavega X-2!!!

í Final Fantasy fyrir 20 árum, 8 mánuðum
jájá eða það..hést allavega fyrir einu ári LinkinParkfan!<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my burning will quoth this...

Re: hvað segir fólkið?

í Final Fantasy fyrir 20 árum, 8 mánuðum
mér fannst þeir líka heavy skemmtilegir þótt þeir séu eins og þu segir mjög frábrugðir hinum..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt...

Re: dark knight

í Final Fantasy fyrir 20 árum, 8 mánuðum
ok er það fyrir eða eftir fightinn við Baralai? og hvað gerir þessar liftur þarna þegar þú átt að raða liftum þarna í byrjun borðsins? þú getur stillt þeim þannig upp að þú kemst inn um aðrar dyr en það er svo fokkin mikið mál…<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to...

Re: Pumice piece

í Final Fantasy fyrir 20 árum, 8 mánuðum
chocobo treasure hunt eða Ozma..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my burning will quoth this raven: Nevermore!

Re: dark knight

í Final Fantasy fyrir 20 árum, 8 mánuðum
ég er búinn að checka á essu og ég er þarna í bevelle underground og það stendur í walkthrough að “u have 2 manipulate the lifters and then get the treasure..” fokkin rugl..þarf að vita þetta.. <br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship...

Re: hvað segir fólkið?

í Final Fantasy fyrir 20 árum, 8 mánuðum
FFII,IV,VII,VIII OG IX voru heavy góðir,fyrsti leikurinn var sérstakur og V og VI voru ágætir en X og allt sem fylgir honum í kjölfarið er bara búinn að skemma FF andann og það er bara ekkert nema fokkin ömurlegt..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust...

Re: FF X-2 help!

í Final Fantasy fyrir 20 árum, 8 mánuðum
hvaða blóma place??<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my burning will quoth this raven: Nevermore!

Re: FF X-2 help!

í Final Fantasy fyrir 20 árum, 9 mánuðum
djöss klikkun er þetta!<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my burning will quoth this raven: Nevermore!

Re: Nobuo rokkar FF tónlist!!

í Final Fantasy fyrir 20 árum, 9 mánuðum
hvar fær mar etta shit?

Re: Nobuo rokkar FF tónlist!!

í Final Fantasy fyrir 20 árum, 9 mánuðum
one winged angel fékk ég nú bara á einhverri squaresoft síðu,minnir að hún heiti avalanche eða eikkað..

Re: Nobuo rokkar FF tónlist!!

í Final Fantasy fyrir 20 árum, 9 mánuðum
cool shit..

Re: Hjálp með FFX-2

í Final Fantasy fyrir 20 árum, 9 mánuðum
Hef aldrei náð cat nip..hvernig virkar það?<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my burning will quoth this raven: Nevermore!


í Final Fantasy fyrir 20 árum, 9 mánuðum
Þeir sucka til grýlu!<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my burning will quoth this raven: Nevermore!

Re: Final Fantasy XI (11)

í Final Fantasy fyrir 20 árum, 9 mánuðum
hvað segiru með að filla mig in?0

Re: Final Fantasy XI (11)

í Final Fantasy fyrir 20 árum, 9 mánuðum
eitthvað langar mig í þennan leik.. og líka að hætta að reykja..

Re: Final Fantasy IX

í Final Fantasy fyrir 20 árum, 9 mánuðum
cool grein en þú gleymdir Beatrix..hún er 25 ára,Freya er 21 eða 23 ára(annaðhvort)og Amarant er 26 ára..mér fannst bara heavy gaman að þjálfa alla kallana..ég er búinn að vinna þennan leik 4-5 sinnum og mastera hann tvisvar og hann er alltaf uppáhaldsleikurinn minn,frábær endir,frábær tónlist,frábærir characterar,allt fullkomið,þetta er bara yndislegur leikur..frábær myndbönd..þetta er eini leikurinn sem fékk mig til að tárast. heavy gaman líka mini-games með Choco og treasure chest...

Re: Final Fantasy X og X-2

í Final Fantasy fyrir 20 árum, 9 mánuðum
sammála..nú er núið og framtíðin!<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in thy hands do not forget me You art no more an angel filled with light and thou shalt suffer my burning will quoth this raven: Nevermore!

Re: Allir að kíkja hér!!! ekki spoiler

í Final Fantasy fyrir 20 árum, 9 mánuðum
shit ég er búinn að vera svo lítið hérna inná Huga undanfarið hálft ár þannig að ég er orðinn svo riðgaður og steingleymdi þessu,þannig að ég biðst afsökunar og geri betur næst..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts The hand who wrote the black bible from curio to nocternity lust lusifer.. i worship thee my life in...
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..