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most plans are critically flawed by their own logic.a failure at any step will ruin everything after it.

the search 22 kafli a second change (5 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 18 árum, 9 mánuðum
enjoy Twenty-second chapter Inferno. That’s the only possible description exen’tor could later think of. Inferno. Fire.Everywhere. wherever you looked there was something burning the ground, the walls the sky. Even the air was burning, He closed his eyes, every thing eh knew about fire told him that this was the end. This was it. When fire was burning the air around him the heat was too much for any mortal creature. His eyes closed and he fell down on his knees from over exhaustion and the...

the search 21 OG 22 kafli (4 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 18 árum, 9 mánuðum
jámm var í einhverju skrifistuði og ákvað að gera bara tvo kafla fyrst það gerist það mikið núna. enjoy Twenty first chapter A flaw They clashed. Mizra with her deadly ice blades and spells and the trolls with a blood rage in their eyes. Somewhere in the middle of the steps they met, the trolls jumping towards Mizra with their spears and swords. Mizra paused froze the first two and then jumped up towards the next, her right hand forward. in thin air she stabbed the first in his chest ,used...

the search 20 kafli awakening (8 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 18 árum, 9 mánuðum
Twentieth chapter awakening The echoes of the battle cries had been silenced long before they dared out of the room. Well, they didn’t dare, they just threw hvenfifar out on its ears. Ankthar was of course very upset and pointed put that a high elf would have thrown the cat further. When the cat was still alive after a few minutes they dared to peek out onto the open wastes of zul’gurub. The cat sat atop a white stone and licked his fur, waiting for its master. „Something’s not right here,“...

the search fyrsti hluti tekinn saman (20 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 18 árum, 10 mánuðum
jæja hef ætlað að gera þett í þó nokkurn tíma en hérna er allavega fyrsti hluti af sögunni sem hefur verið gangi á litla áhugaspunanum þarna niðri. geri þetta þó helst til að vekja athygli á sögunni. Ég veit að þettta er frekar langt og nokkuð yfirþyrmandi but give it a try. það eru komnir 19 kaflar og það llítur út fyrir að þeir verði þó nokkuð fleiri. The search Chapter 1 Snow fell down like it had always done so in the mountains of the fallen high elven kingdom. Dead or dying trees dotted...

the search 19 kafli time is running out.. (1 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 18 árum, 10 mánuðum
Nineteenth chapter Exen’tor opened the door at the end of the hall. A lone suicidal troll charged at the duo n bloody rage. Afterwards it was difficult to see whether it had been scorched or frozen to death. Behind the carved stone door lay the once great city of zul’gurub. They both gasped, the beauty and Excellency of the city’s former past was obvious. The towers they had seen were even more magnificent within the city, somehow bearing a thunderous and magnificent aura of what mortals can...

the search 18. kafli reunion (0 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 18 árum, 10 mánuðum
enn einn kaflinn. frekar langur miðað við hvað að það gerist eiginlega ekkert í honum. samt abra svona venjulega langur. allavega enjoy Eighteenth chapter Exen’tor raised himself after the fall .the sound of some kind of a high pitched bell had shocked him so much that he had fallen to the floor clutching his ears. For a moment he was sure that it was some kind of a scream but he quickly shook the notion away. Any creature capable of creating such miserable noise had to be in too much pain...

the search 17 kafli fall of fire (1 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 18 árum, 10 mánuðum
ekki mikið að segja er að vinna í að taka saman fyrst kaflana enjoy Seventeenth chapter fall of fire The troll exploded into icecubes before mizras out stretched hand. She looked around the corridor at the frightened trolls. I don’t have time for this she thought, and gathered up power in her right palm. „FROZEN“,,she began but was abruptly interrupted an incredibly quick troll with sliths for eyes, who grabbed her right hand. „No mooress ,elf womaaansss, ya’ll notsss kill any more of ma...

the search 15. kafli a revalation of brothers (4 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 18 árum, 10 mánuðum
nú það sem hefur hvað mest verið áberandi á síðustu vikum er hversu lítið réttar sagtekkert hefur verið kommentað þó það væri nú ekki bara eitthvað á þá leið að þetta væri allt of langt. Ætla mér nú ekkert að væla en það sem heldur mannigangandi í þessu eru komment frá þeim sem líst á þetta og eru spenntir fyrir næsta kafla. jafnvel þó að kommentin séu bara copy pasteuð af síaðsta kommenti. Allavega ég hef verið að pæla í því að taka saman fyrsta hlutann og senda hann inn sem grein til að...

the search 15. kafli confrontation (0 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 18 árum, 11 mánuðum
Fifteenth chapter Confrontation Ankthar landed in another room, somewhere seemingly far away from the corridor Mizra was now in. After making sure he was, in truth, in one piece he stood up and looked around. The room he was in now seemed to be connected to the corridor but with a closer look one could clearly see that there was actually a large gaping ravine between the two rooms. In the wall heading to the corridor was a big gap where Ankthar had been pushed through. With a good bit of...

the search 14 kafli the battle of awakening part two (0 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 18 árum, 11 mánuðum
Fourteenth chapter battle of awakening part two Jeklik jumped away, with awe and fright in his face. The potent but pitiful blood elf had suddenly changed into something….horrible. Jeklik let out a low pitched squeek. The sound waves echoed and brought him information of something horrible. One glistening glowing green eye was staring at her. The face, deformed with anger and hate looked as if ready to burst, the left half mutated into utter darkness. The left half of the chest was also...

the search 13. kafli the battle of awakening part one (0 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 18 árum, 11 mánuðum
ég vil byrja á því að fyrirgefa fyrir eina verstu stafsetningarvillu síðari tíma. í kafla tólf er setning sem fer nokkurn vegin svona fram: „One hit him in the shoulder, another in his third leg and one scratched his face.“ þeir sem ekki vita hvað the third leg er ættu kannski bara að sleppa þessu og far beint yfir í kaflann en fyrir ykkur hina klámfengnu sjómenn þá skal það tekið frekar skýrt fram að exen'tor hefur hvorki né verður nokkurn tímann skotinn í hásæti karlmannsins. setningin...

the search 12 kafli the trap (2 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 18 árum, 11 mánuðum
Twelfth chapter the trap They woke up by the song of birds, the squeaks of mousse and the open maws of alligators. After fine alligator breakfast the party set off. Leaving the gryphons tied to a tree, they chopped their way through the incessant green jungle. The air was hot and damp and made them feel as if they carried backpacks filled with rocks throughout their journey. They met little wildlife and as they neared the city the chirpings of the birds and the roars of the tigers died out....

the search 11 kafli The discovery of a past (4 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 18 árum, 11 mánuðum
jájá ég er seinn en behold.það er ennþá föstudagur:) held að ég sé búinn að ákveða á söguefni í keppnina.á að vera pínu forsaga fyrir frostwind allavega enjoy Eleventh chapter The discovery of a past The Gryphons landed in a lush jungle covered valley. The trees were encumbered with fruits and creepers danced from them, moving in the wind. The relentless sun shone through the roof of leaves and created a sedating aroma of light green and thick air. Jungle sounds came from around the party, a...

the search 10 kafli (4 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 18 árum, 12 mánuðum
jámm ég hef fengið nokkrar„kvartanir“ um að kaflinn hafi ekki komið á tilskildum tíma og ég náttúrulega biðst afsökunar á því. ég var einfaldlega ekki nærri neinni nettengdri tölvu þegar kalfinn var tilbúinn enda einhversstaðar lengst útí sveit. allavega. tíundi kafli. enjoy Tenth chapter. „HURRY UP!“ Frostwind screamed at the blood elves as he ran towards the newly created gap. Mizra stayed still and allowed the ice to fall from her body and Exen´tor stayed at her side. „I didn´t notice you...

the search 9 kafli (3 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 19 árum
Kafli vikunnar er aðeins styttri en venjulega vegna fáranlegra anna í skólanum. vona að það eyðileggi ekki of mikið. ég vona að sem flestir taki þátt í þessari keppni sem er í gangi núna. bara bravó til vilhelm fyrir að detta þetta í hug. enjoy Ninth chapter She ran. And ran. She ran as fast as she could. She had no plan, no point, no immediate place to hide in. she could only run and hope that the fortune was with her. The wyrms were after her, somehow they could track her, she didn´t know...

the search 8 kafli (2 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 19 árum
here we go áttundi kafli enjoy Eighth chapter BOOM! A house behind Frostwind erupted in flames. Magical missiles of fire and ice were raining upon him, yet he dodged them all. Being small had its up sides. He dodged left, right, rolled on the ground and threw a fire blast. Exen´tor scorched the earth around Xarock the night elf with a streaming jet of fire. But the night elf didn’t hesitate for a second and ran trough the fire , sword ready and poised to strike Exen’tor. Exen’tor dodged the...

the search 7 kafli byrjun annars hluta (9 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 19 árum
Seventh chapter second part The blood god conspiracy She woke up in the fiery heat and the banging of the great forge. Doused in warm goat skin, a normal elf would’ve been drowning in its own sweat. She however was shivering. She clung to the skin as if it was a protection from something for a while, and then she stood up with the skin wrapped around her, leaving a naked gnome sleeping in the bed. She walked to the balcony of the apartment and looked outside. Frostwind had arranged for her...

the search 6 kafli endir fyrsta hluta (4 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 19 árum
fyrir þá sem eru forvitnir eru fimmm hlutar. einn fyrir hvern meðlim the gatekeepers og einn hluti sem bindur enda á söguna. Vil nú bara þakkka þeim dyggu en fáu sem nenna að lesa þetta skrafl mitt, án ykkar væri ég ekki búinn með þessa sex kafla og myndi varla nenna að gera fleiri. látið rödd ykkar heryast ef þið lesið. þessi skriftarmaskína gengur fyrir kommentum. enjoy Sixth chapter End of first part Ankthar had been falling in and out of unconsciousness for a long time now. He´d been...

the search 5 kafli (2 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 19 árum, 1 mánuði
Ef einhver var að bíða eftir kaflanum á föstudaginn ,þá biðst ég afsökunar, frekar mikið að gera um þessar mundir. Enjoy Fifth chapter „I told you to shut up !“ Exen´tor proclaimed as he crushed sworddevil´s body. „You cant do that, i´m, gwahh“ Sworddevil yelled as exen´tor drove his body through the wall and threw him to the nearest tree, knocking the tree down. „I´m ,kaff,i´m superior“, sworddevil demanded, „i´m the greatest being who´s ever walked this land.“ He fell face down on the...

the search 4 kafli (13 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 19 árum, 1 mánuði
Fourth chapter þetta eiga eftir að verða svo margir kaflar að ég ætla að koma upp system þar sem kaflarnir eiga alltaf að koma á föstudögum. Enjoy! Mizra gasped and her bare chest panted, moving frantically up and down. The dog went flying for the second time this day as she threw away the hide and ran towards the door. Or tried to run ,would be a better description. As soon as her feet touched the floor they failed her and she fell silently on the thick hide on the floor. Mizra tried to...

the search kafli 3 (3 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 19 árum, 1 mánuði
enjoy Third chapter Do you have any idea what kind of a feeling it is to be taught by a living legend? It’s a bit like being hypnotized the entire time and every second is being pressed into your long term memory. Illidan only taught those that had the power to keep up with him. Sometimes he´d levitate for hours with relative ease , and only the strongest of the hundreds who followed him made it through that time. Me and Malvanas were friends long before the war and the war only strengthened...

the search 2 kafli (9 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 19 árum, 2 mánuðum
þar sem að minnsta kosti 2 manneskjur lásu söguna mína ákvað ég að senda inn restina af því sem ég er búinn að skrifa. það er meira af þessu upp í hausnum á mér en nenni varla að skrifa það allt ef maður fær eins og 2 svör á ári. Second chapter. In the mountains of the fallen elf kingdom, the snow didn´t fall, raged all around in the most furius storm this land had seen for years. And this land had seen many storms in the past years. Unfortunately elves aren´t made for bad weather. Even rain...

The search kafli 2 (0 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 19 árum, 2 mánuðum
nú, vegna þess að allavega tvær manneskjur lásu söguna mína ákvað ég að henda inn restinni sem ég er búinn að skrifa. það er mun meira upp í hausnum á mér en nenni varla að skrifa það ef enginn svör eða komment koma. Second chapter. In the mountains of the fallen elf kingdom, the snow didn´t fall, raged all around in the most furius storm this land had seen for years. And this land had seen many storms in the past years. Unfortunately elves aren´t made for bad weather. Even rain gets them...

the search kafli 2 (0 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 19 árum, 2 mánuðum
nú vegna þess að allavega tvær manneskjur lásu söguna mína ákvað ég að henda inn restinni sem ég er búinn að skrifa. það er mun meira upp í hausnum á mér en nenni varla að skrifa það ef enginn svör eða komment koma. Second chapter. In the mountains of the fallen elf kingdom, the snow didn´t fall, raged all around in the most furius storm this land had seen for years. And this land had seen many storms in the past years. Unfortunately elves aren´t made for bad weather. Even rain gets them...

Vandamál með activate (5 álit)

í Windows fyrir 19 árum, 5 mánuðum
það vills vo til að ég var að formatta lappann minn fyrir svona tæpum mánuði. ehf gert það þó nokkuð oft þannig að þegar hann bað mig um að activatea þá nennti ég því oftast ekki. en fyrir svona viku ákvað ég að gera eitthvað í þessu og margskrifaði keyinn í activateið en fékk bara þau skilaboð að hann væri ekki réttur. nú er ég búinn að reyna þó nokkuð oft í rúma viku en fæ alltaf sömu viðbrögð. ég hef reynt aðra keya og breytt stöfum og þannig í henni en ekekrt gengur. ég er ekki með...
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..