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most plans are critically flawed by their own logic.a failure at any step will ruin everything after it.

the search 71 kafli meet me in felwood (2 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 5 mánuðum
jæja enn einn kaflinn og nú fara hlutirnir að gerast. ég hef lengi verið að plana einmitt þennan kafla og það sem gerist í honum. allavega enjoy 71st chapter Meet me in felwood the crumbled up paper weighed heavily in her side pocket, feeling as if it was burning through the robe. She had hardly slept since she found it in the ruins, a scorched piece of paper from her fathers book. It was supposedly enhanced with the ability to answer every question asked. The truth was that the book made...

the search 70 kafli. bonfire (6 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 5 mánuðum
sorry að það kom enginn kafli í síðustu viku, skyndileg ákvörðun um útilegu og slæm tímasetning varðandi nettengingu gerði það ómögulegt að senda kaflann í síðustu viku allavega enjoy 70th chapter bonfire The bonfire crackled happily in the night of feralas forest leaving a dark black signal rising through the air. The twigs and leaves left a pleasant aroma as they cindered away in the nonmagical fire made by skiz and rusynja. The two teams had been talking their wits away through the...

the search 69 kafli not a leader, not a king (2 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 5 mánuðum
69th chapter not a leader, not a king The great blue sky was open around him, a cloud hung by, lazily drifting around. at first he tried to find all and any way to save himself, but then he saw the earth closing in at a fantastic speed. Well that’s it he decided, that’s it for the great Ankthar. Outcast of society, slaughterer of his own village, betrayer of his family. Ah yes, maybe it is time, maybe it is time to die. And for one peaceful moment he was truly ready to face death with open...

the search 68 kafli a saner road of madness (2 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 6 mánuðum
sorry hvað kaflinn kemur seint, samblanda af írskum dögum og að vera uppfærur í yfirmann í vinnunni er ekki góð blanda allavega enjoy 69th chapter a saner road of madness Dawnwaker died instantly. It was not a violent death, not a painful one, one second he was clawing at some nuisance on his nose, the next one it was all over. His mind wiped blank and dead by Ankthar, standing in his elven form with his gun still smoking. And suddenly he became aware of the fact that he was standing on the...

the search 67 kafli to the rescue! (1 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 6 mánuðum
68th chapter To the rescue! At first it was a sparkle, a small magical discharge in the air just beneath Sira’dreth. Moments later, the most beautiful rift Sira’dreth had ever seen opened with a crackle and a gryphon burst out. And with it came another, and another, until three additional gryphons had burst out, each one of them ridden by the many races of the alliance. A squeaky voice boomed over them: “analyze and take command of the situation! I have a damsel to save. “ One of the...

the search 66 kafli moments of clarity (6 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 6 mánuðum
jæja þá er maður kominn aftur með töfaldan kafla eins oglofað var og emira að segja á réttum tíma. um ítalíu hef ég bara tvennt að segja: 1) ekki fara þangað 2) ekki smygla bitlausu rómversku sverði þaðan með fimmtán strákum sem hafa allir keypt sér vopn fyrir tugi þúsunda. bara sleppa því. take it from me. allavga enjoy 66th chapter moments of clarity There was a magical charge under his skin, heightened sense of everything around him, and feeling of complete freedom as he flew before the...

the search 65 kafli aerial assault (3 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 7 mánuðum
ég verð því miður ekki á landinu í næstu viku þannig að það verður því miður enginn kafli þá. í staðinn kemur tvöfaldur kafli vikuna á eftir. alla vega enjoy 64th chapter Aerial assault. Exen’tor held on tight on the feathers of the gryphon he was mounting. The wind blurred his eyes, and the height and the gryphon had all but muted him, He was six thousand feet above the ground, atop a beast that moved like a swimming horse and had the pride and stubbornness of a dwarfen diplomat. Plus, it...

the search 64 kafli a dark alliance (1 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 7 mánuðum
sorry hvað kaflinn kemur seint. sem svona peace offering kem ég með þetta á meðan núverandi saga var að formast var ég að lesa marvel civil war, sem hafði taglineið: whose side are you on? þá datt mér í hug svipað tagline fyrir betrayal partinn: who will it be? allavega þessi mynd er bara illa gerð í paint með fan myndum og wallpapers. allavega enjoy 64th chapter a dark alliance Although the battle had been...

the search 63 kafli interludes and introductions (8 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 7 mánuðum
63rd chapter Interludes and introductions. They felt the shift of power and the magic being released, they understood what was happening and began a straight flight towards the maelstrom. They were there when the most eager of their flight rose above the stormy waves. And they were there when the portal collapsed, the gate closed and their long awaited plan failed right before their eyes. They roared with their fallen kin in the storm at the middle of the world unable to control their...

The search 62 kafli the final journey (3 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 7 mánuðum
fourth part: betrayal 62nd chapter the final journey The world had almost seen it’s end, yet no-one seemed to know or care. It was a world of marvel and magic, so strange events were commonplace with the people of azeroth. But over the un’goru crater the sky was clear and the sun shone upon two exhausted friends atop fire plume ridge. “What the hell just happened?” Exen’tor asked sitting on a stone, fighting hard not to fall off. Wisim was similarly seated against a large rock , holding the...

the search 61. kafli Rise of the sixth (4 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 8 mánuðum
jæja þá er komið að lokakaflanum í þessum hluta,og þá er komið að lokahlutanum sem er lýst í endann. einhvern tímann sagði ég að það yrðu fimm hlutar en þeim ehfur augljóslega fækkað niður í fjóra. þetta er helst útaf því að ég oftaldi þá hluta sem þyrftu að vera. en allavega, þessi þriðji hluti er búinn að vera langur og verður líklegast til lengstur af öllum hlutunum. allavega enjoy 61st chapter Rise of the sixth There was blood. So much blood. And pain beyond everything he had ever felt....

the search 60 kafli desperation (2 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 8 mánuðum
60th chapter desperation The purple crystal burned as it made its way through the blood red skies. Bits and pieces fell burning with it and the sky became full of burning crystals. They fell down and burned out, exploding, splitting and vanishing with a magical blast It was the sight of a lifetime. A giant crystal burning violently through the skies with bits of it falling all round each burning in a different color. It was too bad that beneath all of it the fight had begun a new....

the search 60 kafli Desperation (0 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 8 mánuðum
jæja það hlaut eiginlega að koma að því,ég var eiginlega farinn að bíða eftir því að einhver húmoristi skrollaði niður hingað í áhugaspunan og ákvæði að gera grín að því hvað kaflarnir eru orðnir margir. pirrar mig að vísu ekki neitt mikið en ég vil samt biðja eitthvern stjórnanda til að eyða eða færa þessa korka. allavega enjoy 60th chapter desperation The purple crystal burned as it made its way through the blood red skies. Bits and pieces fell burning with it and the sky became full of...

the search 59 kafli Falls (6 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 8 mánuðum
smá trivia, hvað er að gerast í blá endann? fyrstur til að giska rétt fær verðlaun :P 59th chapter Falls From the day he opened his eyes to the bright wide world, Wisim had seen the world no one ever could. For fifty years he studied with rigor at dalaran instead of his elven capital because “the bastards don’t see anything but their old books and the fellows that wrote them”. It was his open mind that ultimately led to the not-so-aptly named wise bomb. The wise bomb uses arcane glyphs to...

the search 58 kafli a strength beyond (2 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 8 mánuðum
58th chapter. A strength beyond She had just spent the entire week pouring her power unto her friend. Her hands were shaking, her control over the ice was little and she was truly and really exhausted. At that moment she really could believe him. The power emitting form him, the lack of power in her limbs, the speed which he’d disabled them made every cell in her body scream for help and escape. “Run away” a voice boomed in her head. Run away. She felt a hand gripping her on the shoulder,...

the search 57 kafli Maelstrom (3 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 8 mánuðum
þið þekkið regluna mína um að föstudagurinn sé ekkib úinn fyrr en ég vakna á laugardegi,hence i'm not too late. versegú Exen'tor is back 57th chapter Maelstrom There was naught but darkness in his wake. Not the kind of darkness that comes with the decline of the sun, nor the kind that resides within the darkest of dark dungeons. It was the kind that devours, the kind that destructs. You see it on its way and it fills you with despair. death doesn’t follow it, death resides inside that...

the search 56 kafli silence between thunders (2 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 9 mánuðum
56th chapter Silence between thunders He was truly meeting the cause and source of his powers. Something had happened so it was forced to draw all its power out of Exen’tor just to stay alive. Exen’tor had become hardly more than a shell of himself and nearly died in the final battles when his source had fought the dangers directly. But he lived. And he came back with a message. Life-force slowly returned in his body, and Mizra breathed a little easier. She still stayed by his side waiting...

the search 55 akfli Escape (5 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 9 mánuðum
smá viðbót. the search er saga sem er alltaf í þróun, það vill abra svo skemmtielga tila ð e´g set hvern kafla á fætur öðrum á netið þar sem e´get ekki almennilega átt við þá. þetta segi ég í ljósi þess að smá breytingar verða á fyrifram skrifuðum söguþráð. ég saðgi að exen'tor kæmi ekki úr daí fyrr en eftir mánuð, það kemur í ljós að það er alrangt vegna helling af atriðum sem ég henti út. þessi breyting hefur þegar verið gerð á wordskjalið og er hér með gerð official. þetta er svo sem ekki...

the search 54 kafli Reunion (2 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 9 mánuðum
54th chapter So. Once again. Mizra had traveled through fire, water, scorching sands, drunk pirates, her own sister, mutated bugs and egotistical undead warrior, and yet her shw was once again, walking through an endless jungle, wondering why the hell everything of importance had to happen in some kind of a green jungle hell. Except this particular hell was a bit different from the other one, there were no ordinary beasts there, this hell was far more dangerous. The raptor felt his brain...

the search 53 kafli the laws of the jungle, the laws of hunters (3 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 9 mánuðum
sorry i'm late. nokkur saga reyndar að segja frá því.ég var búinn með söguna frekar snemma á föstudaginn en asnaðist til að draga að senda hana þartil um kvöldið. þegar ég var að fara að ná í word fælinn úr fartölvunni, lenti ég hinsvegar í því að hleðslutækið mitt bráðnaði. quite literally. allavega skýst útí búð strax á laugardaginn en þar segja menn að ég geti fengið snúru i fyrsta algi á mánudaginn. Örvinglaður leitaði ég að einhverjum sem notaði sömu gerð af tölvu og ég(hún er frekar...

the search 52 kafli spending energy (9 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 10 mánuðum
52nd chapter Spending energy There is a bond between a hunter and his animal companion. It is strong, stronger than most can perceive, it is that bond that allows the hunter to imitate the moves of his companion, to see with its eyes and to hear with its ears. It is stronger than partnership, friendship or love. It is the knowledge that their lives are connected and the fact that they are responsible for each others lives. It is the bond between the companion and the hunter. And just now it...

The search 51 kafli fire from his hands (8 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 10 mánuðum
sorry havð kaflinn er seinn, gerði hann aðiens lengri til að bæta fyrir það. þið getið litið á þennan kafla og þann næsta sem beiðni mína til blizzard um að nerfa hunters. allavega enjoy 51st chapter fire from his hands crypt fiends aren’t built for speed, or mounting capabilities. So if Sworddevil had any actual sense of touch and discomfort he’d now feel extremely uncomfortable. But as he sat on the crypt fiends back he did not feel anything but confidence, joy and the complete absence of...

The search 50 kafli attempt to redemption (6 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 10 mánuðum
mwahahah tókst það , tvöfaldur kafli á föstudegi. nú, það er tvöfaldur kafli útaf nokkrum ástæðum: fyrsta ástæðan er hversu lélegur og seinn síðasti kafli var. Önnur ástæðan er fyrir ruglaðri stafsetningavillu í endanum þannig að fyrir þá sem ekki sá þegar ég breytt því, það er ankthar sem er við það að deyja í lokapartinum ekki ace. þriðja ástæðan fyrir tvöföldum kafla er þess skemmtilega tala. ég er hér með kominn með 50 kafla.tilefni til veislu segi ég. ég sver það þegar ég byrjaði þá...

the search 49 kafli Failed inquisition (10 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 10 mánuðum
sorry sorry sorry hvað kaflinn kemur seint. var á ónettengdu lani. 49th chapter Failed inquisition The sun had begun its slow descent to the end of the world and for the first time in for a long time did it not conjure hopes of a chilled evening and a well deserved rest in the minds of Mizra, Sira’dreth and Ankthar. For now they were surrounded by the forces of ahn Quiraj even though they didn’t appear to have any interest in the party whatsoever. The worker bees just buzzed around them, and...

the search 48 kafli A silent moment in the storm (10 álit)

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 17 árum, 11 mánuðum
þið verðið að fyrirgefa þó að kaflinn komi bæði seint og illa skrifaður. Er búinn að vera hryllilega veikur þessa síðustu daga og hef varla getað hugsað hvað þá skrifað. útkoman er semsé þessi frekar dauði kafli. lofa að næsti kafli verður betri. það er líka frekar ánægjulegt að enginn hafi áttað sig á því hvað the gatekeepers eru. þið getið samt trúað því að það er tilgangur með þessu öllu og merki um það útum allt. tilgagnurinn með því öllu er einmitt að þegar þið eruð búnir að lesa söguna...
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..