Gleymt lykilorð


Re: Sambíóin og Háskólabíó lækka miðaverðið!

í Tilveran fyrir 21 árum, 8 mánuðum
ekki nóg til að ég byrji að fara aftur í bíó, 600kr og þá er ég nokk sáttur<br><br>Hatred is the most poisonous human emotion. It blocks the capacity to empathise that lies at the heart of human association. It turns the object of the hatred into just that - an object. It robs the hater of his or her fundamental human quality - humanity. In so doing, it opens the door to the most callous and depraved acts that one human being can commit against another.

Re: Skrifarar

í Vélbúnaður fyrir 21 árum, 8 mánuðum
plextor .<br><br>Hatred is the most poisonous human emotion. It blocks the capacity to empathise that lies at the heart of human association. It turns the object of the hatred into just that - an object. It robs the hater of his or her fundamental human quality - humanity. In so doing, it opens the door to the most callous and depraved acts that one human being can commit against another.

Re: Hátalarar

í Vélbúnaður fyrir 21 árum, 8 mánuðum
hátalarar, logitech 570z sem bt selur eru mjög góðir<br><br>Hatred is the most poisonous human emotion. It blocks the capacity to empathise that lies at the heart of human association. It turns the object of the hatred into just that - an object. It robs the hater of his or her fundamental human quality - humanity. In so doing, it opens the door to the most callous and depraved acts that one human being can commit against another.

Re: Formúlan er byrjuð, VEI, VEI!!!

í Formúla 1 fyrir 21 árum, 8 mánuðum
besta forumulu keppni sem ég hef nokkurntíman horft á

Re: Google

í Tilveran fyrir 21 árum, 8 mánuðum
ég veit vel hvað adaware gerir og ég veit vel hvaða áhrif spyware og álíka hugbúnaður getur haft áhrif á tölvur ástæðan fyrir því að ég hélt að þetta virkaði var að ég prufaði þetta samtímis hérna, á einni tölvu virkaði google og á annarri ekki vertu svo aðeins kurteisari næst, svona fyrir alla hugara<br><br>Hatred is the most poisonous human emotion. It blocks the capacity to empathise that lies at the heart of human association. It turns the object of the hatred into just that - an object....

Re: Hvaða skjákort er málið?

í Vélbúnaður fyrir 21 árum, 8 mánuðum
finnst nú hálf sorglegt að þetta skuli vera einhver spurning, Auðvitað áttu að fá þér Radeon kortið, þessi munur mun svo sannarlega borga sig. En svo er nátturulega alltaf spurninginn hvort þú nennir að bíða þangað til að nýju Radeon kortin koma út.<br><br>Hatred is the most poisonous human emotion. It blocks the capacity to empathise that lies at the heart of human association. It turns the object of the hatred into just that - an object. It robs the hater of his or her fundamental human...

Re: Google

í Tilveran fyrir 21 árum, 8 mánuðum
gerði það hjá mér… eitt skipti, svo hætti google aftur að virka<br><br>Hatred is the most poisonous human emotion. It blocks the capacity to empathise that lies at the heart of human association. It turns the object of the hatred into just that - an object. It robs the hater of his or her fundamental human quality - humanity. In so doing, it opens the door to the most callous and depraved acts that one human being can commit against another.

Re: Google

í Tilveran fyrir 21 árum, 8 mánuðum
ég lenti í þessu líka, náði mér í adaware og það fixaði allt :)<br><br>Hatred is the most poisonous human emotion. It blocks the capacity to empathise that lies at the heart of human association. It turns the object of the hatred into just that - an object. It robs the hater of his or her fundamental human quality - humanity. In so doing, it opens the door to the most callous and depraved acts that one human being can commit against another.

Re: Skjáupplausn í HP Omnibook Xe3

í Vélbúnaður fyrir 21 árum, 8 mánuðum
þetta er mjög augljóst, eitthvað stretch dæmi, ef þú finnurþetta ekki skal ég gá<br><br>Hatred is the most poisonous human emotion. It blocks the capacity to empathise that lies at the heart of human association. It turns the object of the hatred into just that - an object. It robs the hater of his or her fundamental human quality - humanity. In so doing, it opens the door to the most callous and depraved acts that one human being can commit against another.

Re: Skjáupplausn í HP Omnibook Xe3

í Vélbúnaður fyrir 21 árum, 8 mánuðum
einhverstaðar í biosinu er stillingin fyrir þetta, man ekki hvað hún heitir en hún er þar<br><br>Hatred is the most poisonous human emotion. It blocks the capacity to empathise that lies at the heart of human association. It turns the object of the hatred into just that - an object. It robs the hater of his or her fundamental human quality - humanity. In so doing, it opens the door to the most callous and depraved acts that one human being can commit against another.

Re: Klassísk tónlist (undirskriftarlisti)

í Hugi fyrir 21 árum, 9 mánuðum
ég vill svoleiðis áhugamál<br><br>Hatred is the most poisonous human emotion. It blocks the capacity to empathise that lies at the heart of human association. It turns the object of the hatred into just that - an object. It robs the hater of his or her fundamental human quality - humanity. In so doing, it opens the door to the most callous and depraved acts that one human being can commit against another.

Re: GeForce FX komið á klakann

í Vélbúnaður fyrir 21 árum, 9 mánuðum
ef þetta hefur sama blower draslið og reference kortið frá nvidia hefur þá … EKKI KAUPA! þetta geforcefx drasl eru stærstu mistök sem nvidia hefur nokkurntíman gert, svo verður R350 kynnt eftir…2 daga, næsta mánudag, 03.03.03 :)<br><br>Hatred is the most poisonous human emotion. It blocks the capacity to empathise that lies at the heart of human association. It turns the object of the hatred into just that - an object. It robs the hater of his or her fundamental human quality - humanity. In...

Re: GeForce 2

í Vélbúnaður fyrir 21 árum, 9 mánuðum
2000kr ef þú ert heppinn, mjöög heppinn málið er að ef einhver mundi kaupa þetta væri sá aðili ekki að spá í leikjum og vill bara fá 2d og þar er þetta frægt fyrri léleg gæði<br><br>Hatred is the most poisonous human emotion. It blocks the capacity to empathise that lies at the heart of human association. It turns the object of the hatred into just that - an object. It robs the hater of his or her fundamental human quality - humanity. In so doing, it opens the door to the most callous and...

Re: ...ég á eitt svona frá Tölvuvirkni.

í Vélbúnaður fyrir 21 árum, 9 mánuðum
very cool :D þarf að kaupa mér svona<br><br>Hatred is the most poisonous human emotion. It blocks the capacity to empathise that lies at the heart of human association. It turns the object of the hatred into just that - an object. It robs the hater of his or her fundamental human quality - humanity. In so doing, it opens the door to the most callous and depraved acts that one human being can commit against another.

Re: Geforce 4200 Go

í Vélbúnaður fyrir 21 árum, 9 mánuðum
alltaf áhætta sem maður tekur því miður<br><br>Hatred is the most poisonous human emotion. It blocks the capacity to empathise that lies at the heart of human association. It turns the object of the hatred into just that - an object. It robs the hater of his or her fundamental human quality - humanity. In so doing, it opens the door to the most callous and depraved acts that one human being can commit against another.

Re: USB2 eða Firewire Utanáliggjandi HD

í Vélbúnaður fyrir 21 árum, 9 mánuðum
ah, en tókstu eftir því hvort það var stórt eins og 3.5" diskar eða lítið eins og laptop diskarnir?<br><br>Hatred is the most poisonous human emotion. It blocks the capacity to empathise that lies at the heart of human association. It turns the object of the hatred into just that - an object. It robs the hater of his or her fundamental human quality - humanity. In so doing, it opens the door to the most callous and depraved acts that one human being can commit against another.

Re: USB2 eða Firewire Utanáliggjandi HD

í Vélbúnaður fyrir 21 árum, 9 mánuðum
jamm, líklega best, hvað kostaði þitt box og hvernig diska tekur það?<br><br>Hatred is the most poisonous human emotion. It blocks the capacity to empathise that lies at the heart of human association. It turns the object of the hatred into just that - an object. It robs the hater of his or her fundamental human quality - humanity. In so doing, it opens the door to the most callous and depraved acts that one human being can commit against another.

Re: USB2 eða Firewire Utanáliggjandi HD

í Vélbúnaður fyrir 21 árum, 9 mánuðum
en það er bara usb1.1 Geymsluflakkari 2.5-inch External USB HDD Case- USB Revision 1.1 Compliant - Converts 2.5" Hard Drives into a Portable USB Hard Drives - An Easy Way to Back Up Files - 512 Bytes Auto-Allocating Data Buffer - Up to 900KB/sec Upstream and Downstream Data Transfer Rates <br><br>Hatred is the most poisonous human emotion. It blocks the capacity to empathise that lies at the heart of human association. It turns the object of the hatred into just that - an object. It robs the...

Re: USB2 eða Firewire Utanáliggjandi HD

í Vélbúnaður fyrir 21 árum, 9 mánuðum
hljómar vel, hvar er það á síðunni þeirra? finneeekki<br><br>Hatred is the most poisonous human emotion. It blocks the capacity to empathise that lies at the heart of human association. It turns the object of the hatred into just that - an object. It robs the hater of his or her fundamental human quality - humanity. In so doing, it opens the door to the most callous and depraved acts that one human being can commit against another.

Re: Geforce 4200 Go

í Vélbúnaður fyrir 21 árum, 9 mánuðum
þá mæli ég frekar með því að þú bíðir eftir næsta mobile radeoninum sem kemur út í apríl<br><br>Hatred is the most poisonous human emotion. It blocks the capacity to empathise that lies at the heart of human association. It turns the object of the hatred into just that - an object. It robs the hater of his or her fundamental human quality - humanity. In so doing, it opens the door to the most callous and depraved acts that one human being can commit against another.

Re: Hefur einhver prufað þetta?

í Vélbúnaður fyrir 21 árum, 9 mánuðum
sammála því, svoldið mikið af partalista bréfum sem maður fær á hverjum degi<br><br>Hatred is the most poisonous human emotion. It blocks the capacity to empathise that lies at the heart of human association. It turns the object of the hatred into just that - an object. It robs the hater of his or her fundamental human quality - humanity. In so doing, it opens the door to the most callous and depraved acts that one human being can commit against another.

Re: Hefur einhver prufað þetta?

í Vélbúnaður fyrir 21 árum, 9 mánuðum
partalistinn er miklu betri örugglega, flestir vita af honum allaveganna<br><br>Hatred is the most poisonous human emotion. It blocks the capacity to empathise that lies at the heart of human association. It turns the object of the hatred into just that - an object. It robs the hater of his or her fundamental human quality - humanity. In so doing, it opens the door to the most callous and depraved acts that one human being can commit against another.

Re: Skjákort

í Vélbúnaður fyrir 21 árum, 9 mánuðum
DVI eru nýju tengin sem að flestir lcd skjáir nota, gerir það að verkum að 2d gæði sem var mikill galli á nvidia kortunum skiptir ekki máli (eða svo segir fólk, á enn eftir að sjá þetta in action) það gerist alltof oft að er með sömu vöruna marg oft inni hjá sér, veit ekki afhverju. - Þetta ef þú villt fá kortið í kassa með öllu dótinu sem fylgir SKJÁKORT - Öflugt ATI Radeon 9500 PRO 128 MB DDR með Dual Heads, TV-out og DVI, 8xAGP, innpakkað - Þetta ef þú villt fá það án kassans,...

Re: Skjákort

í Vélbúnaður fyrir 21 árum, 9 mánuðum
bad bad bad mæli frekar með Radeon 9500 pro fyrir þennan pening, langt um betra<br><br>Hatred is the most poisonous human emotion. It blocks the capacity to empathise that lies at the heart of human association. It turns the object of the hatred into just that - an object. It robs the hater of his or her fundamental human quality - humanity. In so doing, it opens the door to the most callous and depraved acts that one human being can commit against another.

Re: 3dmark03 er komið !!

í Vélbúnaður fyrir 21 árum, 9 mánuðum
*hóst* búinn að vera fastur í snjóskafli uppi á fjöllum undanfarnar vikur og ekki lesið neitt á forsíðu vélbúnaðar kanski :P<br><br>Hatred is the most poisonous human emotion. It blocks the capacity to empathise that lies at the heart of human association. It turns the object of the hatred into just that - an object. It robs the hater of his or her fundamental human quality - humanity. In so doing, it opens the door to the most callous and depraved acts that one human being can commit...
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..