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//========= // Colours //========= set colours "say ^wAll possible colours: ^11^22^33^44^55^66^77^88^99^00^aa^bb^cc^dd^ee^ff^gg^hh^ii^jj^kk^ll^mm^nn^oo^yy^zz^!!^@@^##^$$^%%^&&^**^((^))^<<^>>^,,^.." bind O "vstr colours" //============= // Command Map //============= set showmap "+mapexpand;+mapexpand;set mapscript vstr hidemap" set hidemap "-mapexpand;-mapexpand;set mapscript vstr showmap" set mapscript "vstr showmap" bind G "vstr mapscript" //========= // Compass //========= set showcompass "set cg_drawcompass 1;echo ^wCompass ^2ON^;set compassscript vstr hidecompass" set hidecompass "set cg_drawcompass 0;echo ^wCompass ^qOFF;set compassscript vstr showcompass" set compassscript "vstr hidecompass" bind F9 "vstr compassscript" //================= // Crazy Crosshair //================= set shoot "+attack;set cg_drawCrosshair 5;set cg_crosshairColor red" set holdfire "-attack;set cg_drawCrosshair 5;set cg_crosshairColor white" bind MOUSE1 "+vstr shoot holdfire" //=============== // Demo Recorder //=============== set startrecord "autorecord; set demoscript vstr stoprecording;echo ^wDemo Record ^2ON set stoprecording "stoprecord; set demoscript vstr startrecord;echo ^wDemo Record ^qOFF" set demoscript "vstr startrecord" bind F6 "vstr demoscript" //================= // Field Of Vision //================= set FOV120 "cg_fov 120" set FOV90 "cg_fov 90" bind ALT "+vstr FOV90 FOV120" //===== // FPS //===== set fps43 "set com_maxFPS 43;cg_drawFPS 1;echo ^wMaximum FPS set to ^243;set fpsscript vstr fps76" set fps76 "set com_maxFPS 76;cg_drawFPS 1;echo ^wMaximum FPS set to ^276;set fpsscript vstr fps125" set fps125 "set com_maxFPS 125;cg_drawFPS 1;echo ^wMaximum FPS set to ^2125;set fpsscript vstr fps333" set fps333 "set com_maxFPS 333;cg_drawFPS 1;echo ^wMaximum FPS set to ^2333;set fpsscript vstr fps43" set fpsscript "vstr fps43" bind I "vstr fpsscript" //===== // Gun //===== set drawgun "set cg_drawGun 1;echo ^wGun ^2ON;set gunscript vstr hidegun" set hidegun "set cg_drawGun 0;echo ^wGun ^qOFF;set gunscript vstr drawgun" set gunscript "vstr hidegun" bind F11 "vstr gunscript" //=========== // Hitsounds //=========== set hitsounds0 "set b_hitsounds 0;echo ^wHitsounds ^qOFF;set hitsoundscript vstr hitsounds1" set hitsounds1 "set b_hitsounds 1;echo ^wHitsounds ^2ON ^w[All Hits];set hitsoundscript vstr hitsounds2" set hitsounds2 "set b_hitsounds 2;echo ^wHitsounds ^2ON ^w[Headshots Only];set hitsoundscript vstr hitsounds0" set hitsoundscript "vstr hitsounds0" bind F12 "vstr hitsoundscript" //===== // Hud //===== set drawhud "set cg_draw2D 1;set hudscript vstr hidehud" set hidehud "set cg_draw2D 0;set hudscript vstr drawhud" set hudscript "vstr hidehud" bind H "vstr hudscript" //=================== // Nickname Switcher //=================== set nickname1 "set name NAMEHERE;set nicknamescript vstr nickname2" set nickname2 "set name NAMEHERE;set nicknamescript vstr nickname3" set nickname3 "set name NAMEHERE;set nicknamescript vstr nickname4" set nickname4 "set name NAMEHERE;set nicknamescript vstr nickname1" set nicknamescript "vstr nickname2" bind N "vstr nicknamescript" //======== // Sprint //======== set startsprinting "echo ^wSprinting ^2ON;+sprint;set sprintscript vstr stopsprinting" set stopsprinting "echo ^wSprinting ^1OFF;-sprint;set sprintscript vstr startsprinting" set sprintscript "vstr startsprinting" bind SHIFT "+vstr sprintscript" //================== // Stats & Topshots //================== set drawstatistics "+topshots;+stats;set statisticsscript vstr hidestatistics" set hidestatistics "-topshots;-stats;set statisticsscript vstr drawstatistics" set statisticsscript "vstr drawstatistics" bind BACKSPACE "vstr statisticsscript" //============ // Super Spin //============ set superspin "com_maxfps 50;wait 2;cl_yawspeed 1700;+left;wait 10;-left;com_maxfps 76" bind Z "vstr superspin" //============== // Team Overlay //============== set drawteamoverlay "set cg_drawteamoverlay 1;echo ^wTeam Overlay ^2ON;set teamoverlayscript vstr hideteamoverlay" set hideteamoverlay "set cg_drawteamoverlay 0;echo ^wTeam Overlay ^qOFF;set teamoverlayscript vstr drawteamoverlay" set teamoverlayscript "vstr drawteamoverlay" bind F10 "vstr teamoverlayscript"