Fyrst ég er byrjaður að spamma korkana með síðasta korki hvers vegna ekki að halda áfram anyway…

Í kvöld er leikur milli usa og swiss og þeir sem hafa áhuga að speca eitthvað af Nations cup ættu endilega að skella sér:

United States vs Switzerland

Date: 8 May
Time: 22:30 CET (Ísland er -2 cet)
MatchAdmin: Sonic
Maps: reactor/sw_golrush
Matchchannel: #nationscup.et (@ quakenet)
ETTV: ETTV.org and #ettv.org (type !ip for the ip's!)
Odds: 60% vs 40%

Svona spáðu nokkrir menn leiknum:

Cash: IF USA can pull out 2 points from either of those 2 maps, they will win the decider for sure. They might have not much experience on how to play on reactor and sw_gr, but they surely know how to win matches in the nick of time like versus Italy. I think they can win one of the 2 maps, dont think both, so my prediction is 4-2 USA

Raveneye: I think USA will take this one with 4-0 if something special doesnt happen.

BuLL: I think USA will walk over Sui. I havent seen SUI playing and I dont know many of their players but ive seen USA playing last week vs ITA and i have to admit; they did pretty well. So I would say 4-0 USA.

Mephz: This game will be depending on players at SUI side because they have very different skill level in the team and the ping at USA side. To bad USA is missing few nice aimers though but I think USA is going to take the win 4-0.

Mrozu: I think that USA is going to win this match after some really nice game… They already showed us how good they are in match vs Italy, even with very high pings. 4:0 for USA