Due to a bug (constructable bug) the release of the new beta 3.1.14 was delayed. Now the bug is fixed and the beta version is re-released.

Bug / cheat fixes:
cg_etVersion was wrong
framerate optimizations
+left/+right re-enabled
tjl saving/loading fixed (and is now x86/ppc cross-compatible)
building-mg42-eats-dynamite bug fixed (eg on radar)
b_wolfrof matches rtcw thompson exactly now (3600ms to empty clip @ rtcw 333fps)

New features:
b_helmetprotection (default 1) to enable/disable helmet damage reduction
b_locationMaxChars (default 15) controls max length of location names in fireteam

Tekið af xfire

Tekið skal fram að þetta er beta og fer þvi ekki á simet fyrr en hún er komin af beta stigi. En þarna má sjá hvers má ætlast af þessum patch