en hverjir spila eiginlega RTCW ennþá? ..ég spilann ekki útaf ég týndi óvart disknum.. hann er öruglega hjá bróa :P
er ekkert málið að setja upp RTCW server kannskeh? erum með þokkalega marga ET servera, væri frekar sweet að fá einn RTCW server upp <br><br>_________
<i>“He the one who rapes she, is sentenced in hell to burn”</i> - <b>jiio</b>
Kveðja Bloodsound
<b><a href="http://www.hugi.is/wolfenstein/goingplaces.php?url=http://www.clanangels.tk&tid=18928“><font color=”#000000“>Angel</a></font> <font color=”#FF00FF“>Yuffie</font></b>
A sexual deviant who continues his stalking/porn movies in the hope that he will be imprisoned so that he can feel a criminal's cock in him.
<i>”Holy shit, there is a Yuffie at the window. Call the police.“</i>
<font color=”#FF00FF“><b>KISARAGI!</b></font>
If you don't like oral sex, <b>KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!</b>
True words of mine:
<a href=”http://www.megatokyo.com/strips/0009.gif“>einum of l33t!</a> :)
<b><font color=”green“>@</font><font color=”red“>WARNING</font><font color=”green“>@</font> <font color=”white“>GAYDAR REPORTS Monsi 100% GAY</font> <font color=”green“>@</font><font color=”red“>WARNING</font><font color=”green“>@</font></b>
<a href=”http://folk.is/friedmonkey/">.</a
Cosplay, the only thing that makes sense.