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Mac OSX á PC með Intel örgjörva.
Þetta hljómar kannski ótrúlega en svona er þetta nú samt.
Þú þarft ekki að henda út XP, heldur einungis búa til nýtt partition fyrir OSX. Þ.e. þetta er Dual Boot dæmi.
Hérna er síða sem hjálpar ykkur við uppsetninguna á Mac OSX:
How'to install Mac OSX 10.4.6 on a PC [Dual Boot] “” skrifaði:
You need:
1. A prepatched OSX 10.4.6 install image
2. An empty dvd recordable (+R or –R, NO Rewritable!)
3. At least 6 GB free space.
4. spfdisk
Code: 5. Acronis Disk Director Suite
The guide:
1. Get an prepatched OSX 10.4.6 install image.
2. Burn the image to an empty dvd recordable (+R or –R)
>> Use your favourite burn program for this (I recommend Nero Burning Rom or Alcohol 120%)
3. Create at least 6GB unallocated space on your harddisk using Partition Magic:
>> Start partition Magic
>> Click on ‘Resize/Move Partition
>> Move the slider to make the partition smaller and hit OK
>> Click on ‘Apply’
>> Close Partition Magic
4. Click ‘START > Run…’ and type ‘diskpart’ (without quotes)
3. Type in (press enter after you typed in a line):
list disk
select disk [the number of your disk
create partition primary id=af
5. Close the command window.
6. Make sure you have a bootable disk with fdisk (I recommend spfdisk), so that you can change your active partition if it goes wrong! Also: After this step you can’t use your computer for up to 1 hour!
>> To install spfdisk just insert a formatted diskette and open the exe file
Code: 7. Click ‘START > Run…’ and type ‘diskpart’ (without quotes)
8. Type in (press enter after you typed in a line):
list disk
select disk [the number of your disk]
list partition
select partition [the number of your osx partition]
set active
9. Insert the OSX install disk and reboot your computer, follow the installation steps on your screen.
10. Boot into Windows.
11. Install Acronis Disk Director Suite, install the OS selector.
12. Start OS selector, configure (follow on screen steps) it and restart your computer.
13. After the last reboot you should see a nice dual boot menu and should be able to boot OSX.
Code: More info:
Code: Því miður þýðir lítið að spurja mig um hjálp um sinni, þar sem ég erekki enn búinn að setja þetta upp hjá mér, ég tek heldur enga ábyrgð á þessu, en þetta virðist virka! Ég er eingöngu að deila þessari skrá hér fyrir þá sem vilja prófa þetta.
Forritið Partition Magic 8 er hér á Acronis Disk Director Suite: takk takk.