ég var að kaupa mtw og það er alltaf verið að segja að maður eigi að lækka pci memory svo hann laggi ekki, en hvernig geri ég það

hérna stendur þetta


it is fixed. No problem running the game smoothly.
Tried lowering PCI memory to 16MB, and the game runs very smooth. I will try 8 MB later on. Tried the Battle of Jaffa to see how it played, the massive battle runs to my defeat without any problem.

Now, lowering PCI memory is just for MTW, and it is not a good global optimization. Some games will take performance hit, at least my 3D Mark 2001 SE takes almost 100 point hit.

In summary, the secret to the frame rate problem lies in

1. Installation of driver. It should be installed AFTER DirectX 8.1.

2. Clear up temporary files before installation.

3. Lower PCI texture memory to 16 MB or lower, for MTW only.

4. AGP aperture to 64 or 128 MB.

This is the Nvidia cards setting. I wonder if this applies to ATI cards.

By the way, Windows 2000 Pro/XP is better platform for gaming.<br><br>We like nonfiction and we live in fictitious times. We live in a time where we have fictitious election results, that elect a fictitious president. We live in a time where we have a man sending us to war for fictitious reasons ~ Michael Moore