þegar að ég opna i-explorer kemur alltaf þessi leiðindar popup gluggi sem að hægir mjög á netinu hjá mér

-=- Welcome to Lucky 7 -=-

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Click Now! Hot DateThank you for using our program where your computer modem accesses the best dating on the Net with no credit card necessary.
Your phone bill will reflect charges to Guinea Bissau, Diego Garcia, Nauru, St Helena, Portugal or United Kingdom on a per minute basis. There are no charges in addition to the call. For the exact price of this call, contact your local phone provider. Charges will vary by time of day and the length of time you are connected.

There are no memberships, no restrictions and no names or forms. You must be at least 18 years old to use this service.

Terms of Use: By using the program, your computer will download software and icons to your desktop, close the connection to your internet service provider and then dial on a per minute basis this International Long Distance Telephone Number 245-290xxx,700-590xxxx,674-444-xxxx, 290-xxxx, 351-96877-xxxx or 246-362-xxxx. The correct international dialing prefix will be inserted before this number.

Enjoy our program!


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cs: |N33d-Cl4n|Dominic
irc: Dominic(^)
RL: Árni
Bassadót: FBass BN5 & MusicMan Bongo5 -> Line6 Relay G50 -> Ampeg PF500 -> Ampeg PF210HF