Message from ADMIN to YOU on 1.10.2003 13:33:25
Your computer is LEAKING your IP address to the Internet.
This may be a SECURITY RISK and a TOTAL STRANGER could silently ACCES your computer,
Without your knowledge, while you are ONLINE.
Write down this web site address and protect your PRIVATE computer files:
NOTE: Do not press OK until you have written down www.PopupPadlock.com and typed
it into your web browser. Pressing ok will close this window forever.
Ég er búinn að fá þetta nokkuð oft síðastliðna viku!
Veit einhver hvað þetta er?
Ég á samt bágt með að trúa þessu þar sem vefsíðan er popup eithvað en samt vekur þetta hrilling minn…..