-Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves; and, under a just God, can not long retain it. <font size=“1”> <font face=“Arial black”>Abraham Lincoln
GeForce 4 Ti 4200 AGP / 128 DDR / 2048x1536 engin spurning, of mikill verð munur á því að fara upp í 4400 miðað við hraða aukninguna<br><br><div style=“border:1px solid black;background-color:white;padding:4px;”>Hatred is the most poisonous human emotion. It blocks the capacity to empathise that lies at the heart of human association. It turns the object of the hatred into just that - an object. It robs the hater of his or her fundamental human quality - humanity. In so doing, it opens the door to the most callous and depraved acts that one human being can commit against another.</div
tja .. ef þú átt slatti mikinn pening .. bara bíða eftir ATI Radeon 9700 pro :) Muuuun betra enn NV Ti 4600 .. :) Myndi ekki detta í hug að fara að kaupa NV 4 kort núna:D <br><br>Kv. Titan
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