Arrgghhh ég þoli ekki að hafa rangt fyrir mér en jæja þá… fyrst allir segja það sama verð ég víst að éta þetta oní mig er það ekki =) recorded negligible differences in performance among all the boards tested. This isn't unusual, since they are all based on the same 3D chip GeForce3 and have 64MB DDR SDRAM with an access time of 3.8 nanoseconds. Anyone buying a GeForce3 card is buying in the same performance range. Driver updates can change the performance a little in favor of any manufacturer. Those vendors who provide a driver update first, will usually benefit from it for a short while until the competitors catch up or overtake them.
þetta var eitt af því sem ég las áður en ég ákvað frá hverjum ég ætlaði að kaupa kortið.