veit einhver hvort einhver á íslandi er með yeong yang tölvukassa til sölu ? eða þarf mahr bara að neiðast til að kaupa einn að utan ? :o<br><br><font color=“#FF00FF”>[.Love.]Beiba</font>

<font color=“#FF00FF”>Being beautiful is hard, But someone's gotta do it !</font>


<font color=“#FF00FF”>I may not always be right, But i'm never wrong!</font>


<font color=“#FF00FF”>I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i'm not !</font>


<font color=“#FF00FF”>I'm not a lie. I'm not an illusion. I'm a cutie so what's the confusion ?</font>


<font color=“#FF00FF”>Love is like sand, If you hold it too tight it might slip away</font>


<font color=“#FF00FF”>Roses are red, Violets are blue, Im gorgeous but i still wont date you</font>


<font color=“#FF00FF”>Star light, star bright, I've surely found my mr. right :*</font>
<font color=“#800080”>*Bend*Elfar BaBe!*Bend*</font