Einn CTX EX1300 skjár til sölu:

Technical data
Compatibility: IBM PC and PC compatibles; Mac (up to 1024 x 768)
Display type: Color CRT
Display size (diagonal): 21 inches
Diagonal viewable screen size: 20 inches
Tube type: Invar shadow mask FST
Dot/pixel pitch: 0.26mm
Glass surface: Anti-reflection, anti-glare coating
Input signals: Video: RGB analog (0.7VP-P, 75 ohms); Sync: H/V Separate (TTL), composite, sync-on-green
Input connector/cable: 15-pin mini D-sub (attachable cable); BNC connector
Maximum noninterlaced resolution: 1880 by 1440 at 76 Hz
Maximum refresh rate: 160 Hz
Horizontal frequency: 30 to 115 KHz
Vertical frequency: 50 to 160 Hz
Power on/off: Yes
Key-1/key-2: Yes
Contrast: Yes
Brightness: Yes
Horizontal/vertical position: Yes
Horizontal/vertical size: Yes
Color temperature: Yes
Display frequency: Yes
Pincushion: Yes
Pin balance: Yes
Moire: Yes
Degauss: Yes
Trapezoid: Yes
Parallelogram: Yes
Rotation: Yes
Width: 20.07 inches
Height: 19.92 inches
Depth: 21.44 inches
Weight: 66 pounds
<a href="http://www.shop4thai.com/en/product/4314.php“>Mynd af skjánum</a>
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