alltaf er þetta fáranlega dýrt á íslandi, urrr hata ísland
reyndar þá eru þessar græjur ótrúlega þungar þannig að flutningskostnaður gæti verið… jahh svona 70-90% af verðinuður fyrir þetta úti
dýrasta græjan þarna kostar bara um 30þús
Line Interactive True Sine Wave UPS for any critical load.
AC Input Capacity on Battery 2000VA
Outlets: 6
Interfaces: RS-232
Spike Protection: 694 Joules, 2ms
Battery Run Time: 120 minutes (Typical)
Battery Recharge Time: 4 Hours
Pure Sine Wave Network UPS with AVR- Auto Voltage Regulation
Dimensions: 170x450x226 <br><br>_______________________
Hatred is the most poisonous human emotion. It blocks the capacity to empathise that lies at the heart of human association. It turns the object of the hatred into just that - an object. It robs the hater of his or her fundamental human quality - humanity. In so doing, it opens the door to the most callous and depraved acts that one human being can commit against another.