Úr grein:
<a href="
http://www.tomshardware.com/motherboard/20030519/index.html“>”10 Boards with Intel i875P Chipsets - Part I“</a> (Toms Hardware.com)
”The best performance is offered by the Asus [en ekki hvað!], but the manufacturer saves both on the layout and the accessories; all that adds up to a steep price [ekkert nýtt]. Real fans of the brand won't be bothered very much. On the other hand, Gigabyte and MSI are bursting with accessories. Gigabyte is more balanced with average performance, <i><b>while MSI has serious problems with quick timings</b></i>.“
<a href=”
”we still couldn't boot in so-called SPD mode (automatic reading of the RAM timings) at 200-MHz FSB in conjunction with the Kingston, GeIL and Kingmax RAM modules. Only an increase in the power from 2.5 volts to 2.6 volts fixes things, but the system does not run completely stably.
Corsair XMS3200V1.1 CL 2.0-3-3-5 (398,5)
Kingston KHX3500 no boot
OCZ PC3200 CL 2.0-2-2-5 (397,9)
GeIL CL2-6-3-3 Ultra no boot
Kingmax MPXB62D-68KX3 no boot
takeMS mMS64D32000U-5 CL 2.5-3-3-5 (400,2)
Infineon HYS64D32300GU-5-B CL 3.0-3-3-5 (397,8)“
<a href=”
Sossem ef þú ætlar ekkert að fara að pína það í eitthvað mega performance þá er þetta örugglega mjög fínt.
Mjög mikið af ”fítusum“.
Þetta eru oftast mjög góð value borð og standa sig yfirleitt nokkuð vel.
<i>Ég</i> kaupi hins vegar ekki MSI en félagar mínir kaupa þau og eru sáttir. Allir hafa rétt á sinni skoðun og sannfæringu.
Annars performar þetta móbó næst á eftir Asus móbóinu í ansi mörgum testunum, <i>that ain't half bad</i>.<br><br>
<b><i>Xits</i></b>™ | <a href=”mailto:einnallsber@hotmail.com“><font color=”#FF0000“>mailme</font></a> | <a href=”
http://www.hugi.is/velbunadur/bigboxes.php?box_type=skilabodaskjodan&page=new_msg&to_user=Xits“><font color=”#FF0000">msgme</font></a