ég er búinn að fréttakerfi sem heitir EasyNews en ég skil leiðbeiningarnar ekki alveg, svo hér koma þær: Contents
A) Install instructions
B) Changes from version to version

A) Install instructions

How to install EasyNews version 4.3

1) Unzip the EasyNews.zip to your root directory so that you have
a directory structure like this:

root –> easynews –> newsfiles –> news.txt
root –> easynews –> newsfiles –> news.dat
root –> easynews –> newsfiles –> news.def
root –> easynews –> newsfiles –> headlines.txt
root –> easynews –> newsfiles –> arc.txt
root –> easynews –> config.php
root –> easynews –> config2.php
root –> easynews –> easynews.php
root –> easynews –> admin.php
root –> easynews –> easynews_install.txt

2) Upload the files to your webserver

3) CHMOD 666 to:


These are located in the newsfiles directory.

And then CHMOD 666 to (located in the root easynews dir):


4) Open up your webbrowser to:


It will promt you for your username and password, enter in the values:
username: admin and password: admin. Then goto: admin.php here you can edit config setting.

note: You must build news after every edit or new post

5) In the page you want the news displayed use this code (must be
php file)

< ? include “./easynews/newsfiles/news.txt” ?>

for headlines its

< ? include “./easynews/newsfiles/headlines.txt” ?>

for the achive file its

< ? include “./easynews/newsfiles/arc.txt” ?>

if your server support SSI you can use any webpage extension that uses
it and then use this code

< !– #include file=“easynews/newsfiles/news.txt” –>

for headlines its

< !– #include file=“easynews/newsfiles/headlines.txt” –>

for the achive file its

< !– #include file=“easynews/newsfiles/arc.txt” –>

Save the file and your done!

If you have any problems or suggestions for the next version goto:


Thank you for downloading EasyNews!

Þess má geta að heimasíðan þar sem þetta er, er http://webrc.ca/php/easynews.php

Getur einhver útskýrt þetta? hvað er 3. liðurinn og í 5. lið hvað eiga þeir við með SSI support?


<img SRC=“image.php?picture_id=329”>

- Á huga frá 6. október 2000