Þú ert örugglega að tala um preloader er það ekki?
Svona dót sem er á meðan myndin er að hlaðast.
Hér er smá guide á ensku vona að þú getir notað þetta.
Step 1. Make a tiny animation you want to show as the site loads, at the beginning of your Flash file.
Step 2. Insert a layer above the animation, name it actionscript.
Step 3. In the very first frame of “actionscript”, insert the following script:
If Frame Is Loaded [_framesloaded]
Go to and Play (“preloaded”)
End If
Step 4. In the end of the animation you created, to show that the site was preloading, insert an action that will go to frame 1 and play.
Step 5. Now we've built the preloader - we want it to go to the main site when it is loaded. So, label the very first frame you wish to display after the preload. Label it “play”.
Secondary (load movie) Flash 4 preloader
Downloadable FLA
Due to the actionscript properties of the following script, you can also preload secondary movies using this script.
Step 1. Make a tiny animation you want to show as the site loads, at the beginning of your Flash file.
Step 2. Insert a layer above the animation, name it actionscript.
Step 3. In the very first frame of “actionscript”, insert the following script:
If ((_level1:movieloaded=false) and (GetProperty (“_level1”, _framesloaded) = GetProperty (“_level1”, _totalframes)))
Go to and Play (“play”)
End If
If you have actionscript experience, you will notice that “_level1” is the Tell Target script syntax of the first movie loaded on your main.
Step 4. In the end of the animation you created, to show that the site was preloading, insert an action that will go to frame 1 and play.
Step 5. Now we've built the preloader - we want it to go to the main site when it is loaded. So, label the very first frame you wish to display after the preload. Label it “play”.
Now we have a looping preload animation that will loop until the site is preloaded.