Generate Form
Prufa könnunina

function resultswindow()

You have successfully created a new poll. “
Response.write ”The title of your Poll is “ & strPolltitle & ”“
Response.write ”Click Test button to take the poll “
Response.write ”Follow the instructions in README.txt to integrate the Poll to your site. “
datPolldate = date

set conn = server.createobject(”ADODB.Connection“) ”DSN=advteamdsn;UID=;PWD=;“
UpSQL = ”Update stylepoll set fldPollstate = No“
Set RsUpdate = conn.execute(UpSQL)
InstSQL = ”INSERT INTO stylepoll (fldpollquestion,fldpollstate,fldAns1,fldAns2, “ _
& ” fldAns3,fldAns4,fldAns5,fldAns6,fldAns1tot,fldAns2tot,fldAns3tot,fldAns4tot, “ _
& ” fldAns5tot,fldAns6tot,fldPolldate,fldNoofanswers) values “ _
& ”('“ & strPolltitle & ”',yes,'“ & strAns1 & ”','“ & strAns2 & ”','“ & strAns3 & ”', “ _
& ” ‘“ & strAns4 & ”’,'“ & strAns5 & ”','“ & strAns6 & ”',0,0,0,0,0,0, ‘“ & datPolldate & ”’ ,'“ & strNoofOptions & ”')“
set Rst = conn.execute(InstSQL)
Response.write ”The Poll Question and the Answers are added to the database ! “
response.write ” You can test the Poll and start using it.“
set RstCheck = nothing
set RsUpdate = nothing
set rst = nothing
set conn = nothing
end if


