Afritað + Límt
For those who haven't heard of Team Fortress Classic (all 3 of you), It is a class-based TC mod for Half-Life that demands team play. Gameplay is primarily CTF, with a few variances. Classes are Sniper, Medic, Scout, Solider, Engineer, Pyro, DemoMan, HW guy, and Spy. Each class has its own unique abilities. While the names are slightly different the UNF classes are exactly the same, except for a few variances added in to spice up UNF. One of the biggest advantages UNF has over TFC is the support of the Unreal engine. The visuals in UNF are phenomenal. Being an avid TFC player as I am, I was skeptical at first about how UNF would turn out. I downloaded the alphas and betas and was intrigued, but not impressed. But as the latter releases of UNF started to come out, I was hooked. This mod has progressed by leaps and bounds since its beginning, and all of those jumps have been in the right direction.
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Um að gera að ná þessu moddi á huga þar sem það vegur hátt í 107mb.
Afganginn af fréttinni er að finna á <a href="http://www.planetunreal.com/modsquad/asp/breviews.asp?531"> www.planetunreal.com/modsquad </a>
http://www.planetunreal.com/modsquad/asp/breviews.asp?531 Ef linkurinn failar.. ;)
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