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thorok thorok 3.424 stig
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negrasvikari negrasvikari 1.400 stig


Trivia (16 álit)

Trivia Já, hver er þessi kella?

Sleikjó og kassi af laufabrauði handa þeim aðila sem svarar rétt.

Bassarnir (12 álit)

Bassarnir Vinstri Fender Presicon frá árinu 1973 made in America. Pabbi keypti hann í kringum 1980 og var þá búið að skipta um pick up-a og eru núna Jackson pick-upar ár honum. Þetta er bassinn sem ég hef spilað lang mest á og það er rokkað og hrátt sound í honum.

Miðja: Fender Presicion bass gerður 1962 í Ameríku. Pabbi á þennan líka og er þetta hans uppáhalds hlutur. Hef ekki fengið að spila mikið á hann en samt sem áður mjög góður í spilun og fallegasti bassi sem ég hef séð.

Hægri: Mighty mite bassi sem minnir allra mest á jazz bass með bright soundi. Hann lá lengi hálslaus heima en svo fann ég fender jazz háls hér á huga á hefur hann reynst vel. Þótt að hálsinn sé frá 2006 minnir mig og bassin frá 86 er þetta súper combo.

Svo fékk ég Peavy magnarann frá mömmu og pabba í jólagjöf og hinn er polystone magnari sem hefur reynst pabba vel í meira en 20 ár. Þó hann sé lítill leynir hann fáránlega á sér.

Brownsville Batman gítar (17 álit)

Brownsville Batman gítar Kláraði þennan fyrir stutt. Er reyndar en þí í einhverju rafkerfis vandam´laum með hann þar sem ég kann ekki að tengja þessa tegund af input socket sem er í honum. En er búinn að setja strengi í hann og hann virkar frekar þægilegur.

Hann er með:
Bolt on neck
Esp stilliskrúfur
rosewood fingraborð með leuðurblöku inlau
mahogany háls og body
string through body
einn volume pot
DiMarzio evolution brigde pickup

Og svo þetta fallega paint job eftir mig og kærustuna mína.

Gítarinn er nokkuð þægilegur og paint jobið kemur ágætlega út. Gæti örugglega gert það mun betur ef ég reyni aftur samt þar sem að það var asnalega erfitt að spreyja allar þessar bogadregnu línur.

Fínasti gítar í spilun annars en ekkert undrabarn… Jacksonarnir mínir eru betri svo ég býst ekki við því að ég muni nota hann neitt við mikið.

Eini virkilegi gallinn við hann er hvað þetta shape er illa hannað. Það er mjög asnalegt að sitja semsagt með hann. allt í lagi að standa, en það er nokkuð óþægilegt að sitja með hann afþví að lögunini setur gítarinn á asnalega stað kind of.

leuðurblöku inlay-ið

nýji bassinn minn (27 álit)

nýji bassinn minn Var að fá þennan núna um daginn.
Þetta er sem sagt Falcon P Bass.
Mér skillst að þetta sé adler búkur, rosewood og maple háls

En ég forvitnast hvort fólki viti eitthvað um þetta hljóðfæri. Hvað það er gamalt hvar það var selt and stuff tek við öllu takktakk


Börnin mín (22 álit)

Börnin mín Fender strat 87.árg , Gibson Les Paul Standard 05´árg og Martin D-15 06´árg

Wulffmorgenthaler. (11 álit)

Wulffmorgenthaler. Smá sannleikur í þessu.

MaidenIced og In Memoriam á tónleikum 5.febrúar (2 álit)

MaidenIced og In Memoriam á tónleikum 5.febrúar Auglýsing um tónleika MaidenIced og In Memoriam 5.feb á Grand Rokk

Aeon (11 álit)

Aeon sænskt dauðarokk, ágætt stöff


og eldra lag

Meshuggah -Alive (4 álit)

Meshuggah -Alive Helvíti flott cover hjá þeim.
Svalt að líkja því við hryllingsmyndina Alien.
Kemur út í febrúar á þessu ári.

Fender með síma (9 álit)

Fender með síma HaHa talandi um að vera super nörd
fáum okkur síman ;D

Eric Clapton and Fender Join the myTouch 3G Campaign to Showcase the Limited Edition, Which Offers Enhanced Music Features, Pre-Loaded Content and New Accessories

On Jan. 20, T-Mobile USA, Inc. will officially launch the T-Mobile myTouch 3G Fender Limited Edition with the help of legendary musician and Fender guitarist Eric Clapton.

As part of the myTouch 3G marketing campaign, which has featured a variety of iconic artists including comedians, musicians and sports figures, Clapton will showcase a personalized myTouch 3G Fender Limited Edition in a national television ad that will begin airing on the 20th.

Fender consumers can enjoy a sneak peek of the new ad here.

The Fender Limited Edition puts a rock-and-roll spin on the original T-Mobile myTouch 3G with Google, offering a fresh design and enhanced features to create a unique mobile music experience. The device will ship with preloaded Clapton classics including “Layla,” “My Father’s Eyes,” “Rock ‘N’ Roll Heart,” and “Wonderful Tonight,” and T-Mobile is a proud supporter of Clapton’s Crossroads Guitar Festival.

Designed in partnership with Fender, the new limited edition myTouch has a Fender guitar sunburst-finish inspired design. The Fender Limited Edition comes equipped with an array of features for an enhanced music experience — a 16GB microSD card to house thousands of songs/videos, a 3.5mm headset jack for headphones and an enhanced music player. The music player, developed by HTC, offers an intuitive user interface that allows for toggling between different views or for changing a song or album by simply touching the album art. It also allows customers to create ringtones from songs that are playing.

“In a modern culture that forms an essential bond between music, mobile devices and one’s individual lifestyle, Fender is very proud to partner with T-Mobile on the exclusive new T-Mobile myTouch 3G Fender Limited Edition,” said Mark Van Vleet, senior vice president of Business Affairs with Fender Musical Instruments. “This is an exciting and innovative way to connect people to their passion for great music wherever they go, and we are thrilled to share this news with our customers and fans.”

Content preloaded on the phone includes popular Android Market™ applications, Guitar: Solo and Music Light. Toaccompany the preloaded Clapton tunes, the device also will ship with songs from Avril Lavigne, Brad Paisley and Wyclef Jean. New accessories allow further customization and usability, including additional Fender-branded shells, a Fender carrying case, screen protector, and Rock Dock, a docking station equipped with speakers.

“The myTouch 3G, which runs on Android, gives us an open, highly customizable platform to create truly unique experiences that go beyond what’s possible on proprietary platforms,” said Andrew Sherrard, vice president of product development, T-Mobile USA. “The new limited edition myTouch is a perfect example of this personalization innovation, and we are excited to bring our customers this special limited edition, feature-rich, music-inspired device.”

With the myTouch 3G Fender Limited Edition, T-Mobile is introducing a customized multimedia sync solution in partnership with Silicon Valley startup doubleTwist™, allowing customers to easily take advantage of the phone’s advanced media features. doubleTwist is a free software application that enables users to easily manage and sync their music, videos and images from a Windows-based PC or Mac directly to a mobile device. An exclusive T-Mobile version of the software will be pre-loaded on the new limited edition, and customers can simply connect their device to their computer for a seamless installation experience. The software offers a sleek, intuitive interface for syncing and managing music and other media. T-Mobile also will offer the customized version of the software to customers using other T-Mobile Android devices.

The new limited edition myTouch also offers the popular features and same great technology as the original T-Mobile myTouch, including a highly personalized experience, with home screen customization and more than 16,000 applications available from Android Market. The device also offers customers one-touch access to the Google™ mobile services that millions use every day including Google Search™ by voice, Google Maps™ with Street View, YouTube™ and Picasa™. The Fender Limited Edition, which runs Android 1.6, is expected to be updated to Android 2.1 this spring.

Pricing and Availability
The T-Mobile myTouch 3G Fender Limited Edition will be available starting Jan. 20 nationwide at select T-Mobile retail stores and online at, while quantities last. The device will cost $179.99 with a new two-year service agreement and qualifying voice and data plan.
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