EA Games

Jæja jæja, EA games er mjög umdeilt fyrirtæki, ég hef lengi fundist þeir vera bara að “money farma”. Og ég held það en…

“Challenge Everything”. Að gefa út hvern íþróttaleik eftir hvor öðrum í milljóna tali hljómar ekki mjög áskorandi í mínum augum, hljómar meira eins og “money farm”.(quote)

Annars lítur út fyrir að séu aðeins að ráða önnur smærri fyrirtæki til að gera skítverkin fyrir sig og græða sem mestan pening. Þá myndi maður halda að þessi litlu fyrirtæki væru að græða á þessu vegna þess að þau eru að vinna fyrir svona stór og ríkt fyrirtæki…?

Með þessum kork vil ég fá fólk til þess að lesa smá texta*click* eftir aðila sem var hluti af teymi sem vann fyrir EA Games.
Mér langar svo að vitna svolítið í textanum:

I remember that they asked him in one of the interviews: “how do you feel about working long hours?” It's just a part of the game industry – few studios can avoid a crunch as deadlines loom, so we thought nothing of it. When asked for specifics about what “working long hours” meant, the interviewers coughed and glossed on to the next question; now we know why.

Weeks passed. Again the producers had given a termination date on this crunch that again they failed. Throughout this period the project remained on schedule. The long hours started to take its toll on the team; people grew irritable and some started to get ill. People dropped out in droves for a couple of days at a time, but then the team seemed to reach equilibrium again and they plowed ahead. The managers stopped even talking about a day when the hours would go back to normal.

And the kicker: for the honor of this treatment EA salaried employees receive a) no overtime; b) no compensation time! ('comp' time is the equalization of time off for overtime – any hours spent during a crunch accrue into days off after the product has shipped); c) no additional sick or vacation leave. The time just goes away

If I could get EA CEO Larry Probst on the phone, there are a few things I would ask him. “What's your salary?” would be merely a point of curiosity. The main thing I want to know is, Larry: you do realize what you're doing to your people, right? And you do realize that they ARE people, with physical limits, emotional lives, and families, right? Voices and talents and senses of humor and all that? That when you keep our husbands and wives and children in the office for ninety hours a week, sending them home exhausted and numb and frustrated with their lives, it's not just them you're hurting, but everyone around them, everyone who loves them? When you make your profit calculations and your cost analyses, you know that a great measure of that cost is being paid in raw human dignity, right?

Þetta er virkilega sorgleg saga sem opnar augu hjá mörgum, minnstakosti það gerði það hjá mér.

Fólk má hafa sína skoðanir, ég vildi bara benda á þessa sorglegu staðreynd.

Mér líkar svosem allt í lagi við leikina sem þeir búa til, en mér hefur alltaf fundist smá “rush-it-out” og peninga lykt af þeim.
