Má búast við miklu ? (copy/paste warning) nýtt leikja fyrirtæki hefur nú skotið upp kollinum og fannst mér ein mjög áhugaverð tilkynning á <a href=http://www.trilunar.com>hemasíðu</a> þeirra :


Tim Donley Tim comes to TriLunar from Black Isle Studios / Interplay Productions, the leading developer and publisher of computer and video role-playing games. During the five and a half years he was at Interplay, Tim worked on a number of award-winning and diverse projects, including Torn, Icewind Dale, and Planescape: Torment. He also assisted with many other internally and externally developed titles. Prior to Interplay, Tim spent five years at Mattel Toys as a designer and developer.

Joe Madureira Creator of the blockbuster comic book series “ Battle Chasers” and former artist of Marvel's “X-men”, Joe has been a leading force in the comic industry for over a decade. His unmistakable style of character design and visual storytelling have earned him international acclaim and helped sell millions of books worldwide. Joe joins TriLunar to realize his long time dream of creating and developing interactive videogame properties.

Joe Madueira undrabarn comic geirans er nú farinn að vinna concept art vinnu fyrir einn mesta snilldar hugsuð leikja geirans, þetta getur bara boðað gott en samt rís sú spurning, með allann þann fjölda af fyrirtækjum sem nú líta leikja markaðinn hýru auga ef pláss fyrir eitt fyrirtæki enn ?

ég bíð allaveganna með öndina í hálsinum eftir því hvað þeir hyggjast gera í framtíðinni