Ég datt inná þennan magnaða leik fyrir nokkrum vikum. Þetta er textbased leikur og því ekki fyrir alla en hann gerist í 6 borgum í USA snemma á 20. öldinni. Eins og nafnið gefur til kynna þá gengur leikurinn útá skipulagða glæðastarfsemi og að vinna sig upp innan mafíunar. Þú byrjar sem bófi og vinnur þig síðan upp í heiminum eftir því hvað þú gerir. Flestir ganga í eina af fjölkyldunum og berjast fyrir því að þeirra fjölskylda nái sem lengst. Til að koma þér áfram þá ertu að fremja glæpi eins og að ræna veskju, ræna bensínstöð eða matvöruverslun. Einnig að kaupa og selja eiturlyf. Þegar þú kemst ákveðið hátt innan fjölskyldunar þá er hægt að fara að reka hóruhús, fremja innbrot og að ræna trukkum. Ef að þér mistekst ertu settur í fangelsi en þarft sjaldnast að dúsa þar lengi því að ákveðnir leikmenn sérhæfa sig í því að frelsa fólk úr fangelsum. Það getur verið eitthvað fyrir þig.
Kjarni leiksins snýst um samskipti við aðra og að hafa gaman af. Þessi leikur keyrir á vefnum og því auðvelt að hafa hann í bakgrunni þegar menn eru að vinna. Tekur lítinn sem engann tíma.
Til að koma fólki af stað þá setti ég Mafia Biblíuna hér fyrir neðan fyrir þá sem hafa áhuga á að byrja.
Þessi leikur er til að létta manni lífið yfir vinnuvikunna. Góða skemmtun
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Mafia Bible by Lia_Vazzi
!!Updates to Rank, Petties and Drugs sections!!
This has been made to simply make life easier for the starting member, or old members who were never too sure on how some things worked.
Please keep this bumped, and refer new members to it as you see fit.
This Bible was made 100% from scratch by me, Lia_Vazzi. The only similarity it holds to the original Mafia Bible is the name - the content is all new, and much more in depth.
****Starting Questions****
These questions effect your skills in areas such as jailbreaking, defence, wacking and petty theft.
No answer results will be disclosed in any document created by me. Figure that out for yourself.
****Getting Started****
You're a thug, eh? Immune for 24 hours and yet to be given your gun. Make the most of it - message a few of the leaders and higher ranked players and introduce yourself. Try to use punctuation and some type of sentence structure. Explain you are new to the underworld and wish to simply introduce yourself. If they are busy, leave them alone - although it is nice to strike up a conversation with a newer player, not everyone has the time, and that must be respected.
Start doing petty thefts. Found under Profit - Petty Crime. Start small, continue this every 4 minutes and continue your mobmail conversations with other players - try and set yourself up with a crew invite for when you turn Gangster, you will definately need it.
24 hours - you're a Gangster. If you planned properly you should have an invite, go accept it in News and Info - Personals. Keep up the petties constantly, if you check the jail and there are people in, might as well try to bust them out. You can train both petty theft and jailbreaking, so don't stress if you fail a lot at first.
If after 48 hours you don't have enough money to start running drugs, this is where your contacts come in. Remember those people you've been talking to for the past two days? Ask one of them for a loan for roughly 25k. This will get you started with cheaper drugs to start building your weath. Fundamentally that is the action of the game. Petty thefts every 3 minutes, drugs every 2 hours, jailbreaking whenever the jail is full and felony crimes once you reach the acquired rank. Mobmailing, forum browsing, and mIRC chatting is the fun part - it's a social game that was once based around a message board.
Don't expect there to be a tonne of game play supplied by the Admins. Make your own game play. Make your own RP posts. Make your own friends. The game is going to be as fun or boring as you let it be.
The answers you choose when first signing up to your account often effect your rate of ranking. Originally wacking was sometimes seen to debilitate the ability to rank up on time (in most cases). Though recently it seems to be more across the skill-set board.
You gain rank by earning ‘points’, the amount of points you have can never be known, much like the amount of points that is precisely needed to gain rank is not known. Only estimations can be made. You gain points by performing ‘petty crimes’, ‘drug runs’, ‘jail breaks’, being on the site in general, and posting on the forums.
The minimum alive time for each rank is as follows - it is not garaunteed you turn the said rank on the mentioned time frame - unless you work your ass off.
Civilian: Less than 12 hours
Thug: Between 12 and 24 hours
Gangster: 24 hours
Goomba: 2 days
Earner: 5 days
Wise Guy: 10 days
Made Man: 15 days
Capo: 20 days
Boss: 30 days
Consigliere: 45 days
Don: 60 days, 50 members in your crew (unless your leader is a Godfather, then you do not need a crew to make Don).
****Joining a Crew****
An invite can be sent from a crewleader/RHM to a Thug (after they are 12 hours old). It can only be accepted once they are a Gangster.
The more members in a crew, the better defence and offence relating to wacking you have.
The more members in a crew, the better defence and offence ability your crew leader has.
Invites are found under News and Info - Personals.
As you turn Gangster after 24 hours, you not only gain the ability to WACK! other members - you also lose all previous defences.
Basically you are now a common target, and are likely to die unless you have great defences, or are in a crew.
Normally the latter is more common - so join a crew fast!
It's a good idea to message a crew leader before actually turning Gangster. Simply asking whether or not you can be an addition to their crew.
It may also be a good idea to message more than one leader. Don't overdo it, and try to put some emotion in your mobmail. A simple ‘can i join your crew’ is considered insulting to most!
****Pay Day****
Pay Day can be received every day by going to Management - HQ.
This only works if you are in a crew.
When you see ‘Pay Day!’ once entering the HQ section, 3.5k x your rank level is deposited to your account.
This money comes from your crew leaders bank account - and he is alerted when this happens.
Specific pays are as follows.
Gangster: 3.5k
Goomba: 7k
Earner: 10.5k
Wise Guy: 14k
Made Man: 17.5
Capo: 21k
Boss: 24.5k
Consig: 28k
The Bank is found under Management - Profile. Next to the amount of cash you have.
The Bank has one real use.
It allows you to deposit money, so if you are mugged you lose much less than normal (or none at all).
The Bank does not give interest at all. Having money in the Federal bank account only makes it accessible in all cities (though it doesn't let you transfer to cities while you are not present).
These are one of the biggest sources of points. While you're online you should have a second browser window open dedicated to do a petty theft every 4 minutes.
When starting basically move from snatching purses, to gas stations and finally to 7-11s. Train each one in that order until you never fail.
Petty crimes are easier to perform in New Orleans.
Petty crimes pay most in Philly, Las Vegas and New York (top three spots).
More or less these pay more than petty thefts, and no doubt give you more points than petty thefts. The higher your rank, the more felonies you have to choose from.
Felonies can be performed every 15 minutes (roughly).
Prostitution Ring: Earner and above.
Burglary: Made Man and above.
Truck Heist: Boss and above.
Their pay mimics that of petty theft locations (ie: Philly pays the most).
****Jail Breaking****
Biggest source of points. Jailbreaking is by far the best-easiest way to gain points and rank. There are crewleaders and certain individuals who pride themselves on filling the jails.
To be thrown into jail while you're not in a crew: Bank all your money, and select 0 in every drug column - attempt to buy.
To be thrown into jail while you're in a crew: Your boss must bank all his cash, as must you - then do as above.
When starting jailbreaking, try to start small. 0 guards, 1 guard, etc. When you're at a point where you never fail a certain amount of guards, move up to the next level - simple.
The amount of guards you have depends on your rank (Thugs = 0, Gangster = 1, Goomba = 2, etc). Jail guards have nothing to do with body guards.
Contrary to popular belief, Jailbreaking does not debilitate your Wacking skill.
Jailbreaking is found in the War section of the site.
You can only jailbreak people who are in the same city as you. The ‘members currently in jail’ list while you're in jail will show you the total amount of jailed citizens, though the list while you're out of jail will show you only who is in the same city as you.
There is a few seconds delay between jailbreaks to stop people clearing the jail so easily. You'll know if you've attempted to jailbreak someone during this ‘delay’ period as you'll receive a message about it.
Drug runs give you points.
Drug runs are by no means easy to find, prices seem to differ depending on who you are, and so forth. Work things out for yourself as you go along.
Here is a drug table which lists the min, ave and max of each drug prices - the figures may not be perfect, but they are accurate enough to get the job done.
Thanks go out to Darkness for revising and aligning the drug chart properly.
WACK!ing should only be done under extreme circumstances, and it is never looked lightly upon.
My clicking on someone's Status in their Profile, it will take you automatically to the wack screen with their name in place.
You may only wack those who are online and in the same city as you. Or those who are on the hit list and in the same city as you.
If you are more than 3 rank levels below your target, you need authorisation from your leader for the wack attempt to even go through.
Hits cost 10k, and a minimum of 1k per rank level of your target. 100k is additional if you wish to appear anonymously on the hit list.
It is said that wacking can no longer be trained, and it no longer gives points. Different people believe different things - this is for you to find out.
Wacking skill worsens with each failed attempt.
Wacking skill increases with each rank gain.
Failing to wack someone increases their defence.
Failing to wack someone makes them protected for 4 hours - whereby no one else may attack them in that time.
You may only wack at 1 person every hour.
You may now have a critical fail, at which point the person you attempted to wack automatically shoots back at you - even if they are offline, or inactive. Whether you die from this ‘wack back’ or not, depends solely on your defence skill as well as your opponents offence skill.
Doing a petty or two before you attempt a wack seems to help the success rate.
Wacking someone who is in a crew is harder to wack someone who is unsponsored. The more crew members in the crew, the harder it is to wack that person.
Getting authorisation from your leader makes it easier to wack a member of another crew. ‘Get Auth’ can be found in the War section.
Wacking someone who is online is harder than wacking someone offline.
Wacking someone who has been offline for longer is easier than wacking someone who has only been offline for a short while.
MUG!ing is found in the War section of the site, next to WACK!ing.
My clicking on someone's Wealth in their Profile, it will take you automatically to the mugging screen with their name in place.
Mug attempts and information show up in the Personals section of News and Info.
It is an skill used to mug another player out of what money they have on hand (NOT the money they have in the bank).
You can mug someone or shoot at someone every hour (one or the other).
You may only mug someone who is online and in your city.
If you are more than 3 rank levels below (or above) your target, you can not mug them.
Authorisation can not be given to mug people out of your range (like it can be done for wacking).
Once you've been mugged (success or failure), you are safe for 4 hours (at least, not 100% of time). This protection cannot be lost like wacking protection can be.
Being mugged does not protect you against being shot at.
Depending on your mugging skill, you can get a few different outcomes when attempting to mug someone:
a. Successful mugging where you receive 10% of whatever cash is in the victim's hand.
b. Unsuccessful mugging where your victim does not see who exactly attempted on them.
c. Unsuccessful mugging where your victim does see who attempted on them.
d. Unsuccessful mugging where your victim automatically ‘mugbacks’ you, whereby you can lose up to 30% of whatever money you have on hand.
(Thankyou to Appollo for doing most the work to find this stuff out)
Bodyguards can be found in Management - Profile underneath your website URL.
Bodyguards cost an additional 1 mil for every rank level. (Gangsters = 2 mil, Goombas = 3 mil, Earners = 4 mil, etc).
Bodyguards are more or less a form of protection to increase your defences against wacking. The more bodyguards you have, the more protection you have depending on your skillset.
Bodyguards are better suited to be bought by someone who has strong defence, as it's likely they will be wasted on someone with a strong wacking skill - unless you're not only high rank, but possess a lot of them.
Cost vs Benefits?
Think about it - although it's great to have money, what happens when you die holding 10 mil? You've just wasted 10 mil, which you could have in theory spent on bodyguards and survived that wack attempt.
****Witness Statements****
Witness statements are of you witnessing person A wack (and kill) person B.
Witness statements appear only once - copy and paste them into notepad, or take a screenshot.
Do not post them on the street, ooc or bar forums. People do not appreciate this - and you will more than likely be killed at some point for it.
Keep the information to yourself, tell your crew leader or tell the other persons crew leader. Just be careful which choice you make - it is a good idea to seek advice before acting on this matter.
****Failed Wack Attempts****
If someone fails to wack you, it will also appear in your personals, much like witness statements.
With each failed attempt on you - your defences get stronger.
Do not let someone get away with trying to wack you. Contact your crew leader, or their crew leader immediately.
Do not post these on the street, ooc or bar forums - same reason as witness statements.
Sometimes you can be wacked at it and will never see it show up in your personals. To find out if you have been stealth wacked. Go to: http://www.mafia.org/graveyard.php
The date and time appearing on your graveyard page is the last time you were wacked at. If it shows the date of new years 1969 - you have yet to be wacked at.
Do not make worthless posts.
Make sure your posts are at least a sentence in length and hold some kind of relevance to the thread.
Try to read at least 75% of the previously posted replies - because in the case of you asking a question or making a comment it's likely to have been made several times earlier - and will only cause people to see you as an idiot.
Posting is said to only give points if the reply or thread appears on the OOC or Street forum - even so, petty thefts, jailbreaks and drug runs all give superior points.
If your reply is deleted you lose 4x the points you originally gained. If a thread is deleted that you replied in, you only lose the initial point you gained - making it as if you had never posted.
Messages no longer give you points.
Do not harass people.
Mobmails can be used very effectively to meet new people and set up new contacts. Though they can also be used to meet your worst enemies.
Regulate what you send to people - proof read before you click ‘send’ - think whether or not what you're sending will get you into shit somewhere down the track.
Download mIRC.
In your connection settings, add a connection.
Server: irc.mafia.org
Port: 6667
Description/Group: Mafia
When you connect, type /join #mafia
There you can find all the help you need on the game and how to further configure mIRC.
99% of the high ranked community members are on mIRC - they also got all their connections by use of mIRC.
If you want to go far in this game, the odds are you will need mIRC, much like everyone else.