Ég held að ein bestu kaupin á skjákortum í dag séu FX5900XT. T.d. Chaintech GeForce FX5900XT og Sparkle GeForce FX5900XT á tæplega kr. 20.000,- (att.is/tölvuvirkni) eða Gigabyte GeForce FX5900XT á rúmlega kr. 20.000,- (computer.is). Mér finnst a.m.k. athyglisverður texti sem birtist á digit-life.com 18. feb. s.l.:
“Does anybody need an accelerator having 4 texture units instead of 8, twice fewer ALUs controlling shader speed, a 128bit memory bus instead of a 256bit one, hot DDR-II instead of moderately warm 2.8ns DDR? Yes, I mean FX 5700 Ultra vs FX 5900XT. In spite of the Ultra postfix this card is a loser.
Why did they let the FX 5900XT get by throat its junior sibling that tops NVIDIA's Middle-End sector? I do not believe that such corporation as NVIDIA has no sane marketers to manage the price policy.
Probably, the reason is that they have to sell out all their FX 5900 chips left (as there are new products coming onto the scene), and taking into account that the RADEON 9800 is pressing down on the FX 5900 they have no choice but to cut prices.”
Það er þó trúlega sterkur leikur hjá þér að bíða með þetta eitthvað fram á sumarið/haustið því ný kort eru á næsta leyti og það mun væntanlega hafa áhrif á öll verð.
Hér er svo slóðin á greinina sem ég vitnaði í:
http://www.digit-life.com/articles2/gffx/gffx-37.ht ml