Zheh time travel… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6a4T2tJaSU
Þetta er samt ekki farsími. Ef þú horfir MJÖG vandlega á fingurna á henni í lokin, er það sem virtist vera efri hluti símans allt í einu horfið, því kellingin klórar sér í kollinum og það sem virtist vera neðri hluti símans er bara skuggi, eins og sjá má í lokin þegar neðri hluti símans breytir um form.
3 minutes ago
However disappointing it might be, this is not a mobile phone. If you watch VERY closely to her fingers in the near end, what appeared to be the top of the mobile phone suddenly gets crushed by the woman's fingers, and what appeared to be the bottom of the mobile phone coming out of her hand is just a shadow, which you can tell from the shape of the shadow in the end.