Hér var send in grein á erlendri síðu sem stjórnuð er af Íslenskri konu. Kom saksóknari Aron Pálma málsins auga á þetta og sendi póst um þetta. Konan hafði samband við mannin og þetta var klárlega hann, Mike Trent að nafni.
Hér er það sem Trent hafði um þetta mál.
This blog entry represents one of the biggest perversions of fact I have ever seen. I happen to be the prosecutor who sent “poor” Aron away for 10 years. It should have been 40.
Aron was convicted sodomizing – both orally and anally – a 5 year old boy. He was 13 at the time, not 12. During one incident, he brought lotion and used it to help lubricate his penis and place it in the anus of the victim. He threatened to kill the little boy's parents and take away his toys if he ever told. That little boy, now a young man, bears the scars to this day.
Of course, that's not all Aron did. He also molested 3 other children, two under the age of 7 and another who was around 10 or 11. He was exceptionally big for his age even then (he now weighs over 300 pounds) and could intimidate younger children easily.
While he was incarcerated in a juvenile facility for these offenses, efforts were made to rehabilitate him and get him psychological help. Aron admitted to having violent sexual fantasies about children, and that he preferred little boys because their penises were so much smaller than his own. He was evaluated repeatedly and found to be an extremely dangerous sexual predator.
If these things fit the definition of “playing doctor” in “civilized” countries, then I shudder to think about the safety of your children. You have obviously been fed quite a bit of misinformation by a group of people who have turned Aron into a cause celebre, assuming that of course the criminal justice system of Texas must naturally be too harsh. Isn't that how it is in the movies and on TV?
The truth is, Aron wasn't playing doctor, this wasn't just childhood exploration, and he is not the victim here. He callously abused multiple victims, violating them in just about every way imaginable and cowing their minds, too. I'm proud of having prosecuted him and my only regret is that he did not get a bunch more time. He deserved it. You ought to post this as an addendum to your blog entry. Or just take the whole thing down. It is a shameful affront to the victims of a malicious monster.
Mike Trent
Assistant District Attorney
Harris County, Texas
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