Veitt einhver svona sirka hvernig verðlagið í Malasíu er, Hvað kostar td matur og svoleiðis, í riggit eða ísl krónum.
Ég er að fara til Malasíu og væri mjög þaklátur ef einhver gæti veit einhverjar upplýsingar.
Malaysia is cheap! It's not as cheap as other South East Asian countries such as Cambodia or Vietnam, but don't be stupid and you shouldn't go broke! It does vary with the seasons and the places. For example KL has loads of cheap (and pretty crappy) accommodation, e.g., in China Town you can get a room for under 20RM (£3 or US$4), however some of the islands during peak season are dead full and prices rise. You could be paying 60RM minimum. Food and drinks and transport are all cheap though. It's still a developing country and your western money should go far!