Okay, ég veit að það er mikið af svona póstum að ganga en mér fannst þetta vera raunverulegt og ákvað að spurja hugara hvað ykkur fyndist. Haldiði að þetta sé satt sem er sagt í póstinum og fólki verði hreinlega eytt af msn/hotmail ?

Because of the sudden rush of people signing up to Hotmail,it has

come to our attention that we are vastly running out ofresources. So, within


month's time, anyone who does not receive this email with the

subject heading, will be deleted off our server.Please forward this email

so that we know you are still using this account. WARNING WARNING

We want to find out which users are actually using their Hotmail accounts.

So if you are using your account, please pass this e-mail to every

Hotmail user that you can and if you do not pass this letter to anyone

we will delete your account. From Mr. Jon Henerd Hotmail Admin. Dept.

Our hotmail system is getting to crowded!! We need you to forward this

to at least 20 people. I know this seems like a large number, but we need to

find out who is really using their account.

If youdo not send this
to at

least 10 Hotmail members, we will delete your account. Sorry for this

inconvenience. Sincerely, Director of Hotmail Services Aaron Lope


please copy and paste this email to avoid confusion. thank you Be the first
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