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Annars segist Mellissa Lutz ennþá trúa á Jodie
Tveir linkar:
http://www.warrens.net/amityvill.htmGóð lesning fyrir skeptikana
Og svo:
http://www.amityvillefaq.com/Góð lesning fyrir alla sem hafa áhuga á þessu, sama frá hvaða sjónarhorni þeir sjá málið.
Reyndar fyndið að í öll þessi ár hafa þeir sem hafa reynt að sanna að þetta hafi verið feik aldrei getað komið með óhagganleg rök eða sannanir. Það hefur alltaf verið hægt að stinga þessu ofan í þá.
“The basic claims of Mr. Kaplan insisting Amityville to be a hoax were discussed with Ed Warren and Mr. Kaplan on a Long Island radio show. Kaplan insisted that Amityville was a hoax because Jay Anson’s book, The Amityville Horror, has some inconsistencies in it, and it was not 100% accurate. The Warrens felt that Mr. Anson’s book was not 100% accurate as well, but only because Mr. Anson was unfamiliar with the terms of art of the field of demonology, not because of any purposeful error on his or Mr. Lutz’s part. Apparently Mr. Kaplan simply could not let go of the idea that he had ruined his chance to become involved in what may be the world’s most famous paranormal investigation, and therefore started the rumor that it was all a hoax.
Mr. Kaplan wrote a book concerning the Amityville story, called The Amityville Conspiracy, and one week before the book was published he died from a heart attack. The book contains far more contradictions and mis-stated facts than The Amityville Horror by Jay Anson. Kaplan was never even inside of the Amityville house (except to attend a party–not as part of an investigation), despite his claims to the contrary.
Kaplan nevertheless swore that he had photographs and investigative materials. Ed Warren offered him $5000 to show him the hoax evidence, yet Kaplan declined. When Ed Warren asked how Kaplan had conducted his investigation, Kaplan couldn’t even specify what equipment he’d used. Somehow, he managed to lie his way out of every possible detail.”
Þetta getur þýtt tvennt:
Annaðhvort gerðist allt þetta í húsinu, eða þá að Lutz hjónin eru í hópi bestu hoaxara sögunnar ;-)
Svo verður fólk að athuga að mörgum hlutum var bætt inn í myndina sem Lutz hjónin þvertaka fyrir að hafi gerst, en í ljósi þess að margir hafa ekki séð gömlu myndina og að það er ný á leiðinni þá vil ég ekki skrifa það hér.
Hins vegar mega áhugasamir PMa mig og spurja.