Jájá, afhverju í andskotanum? Það er ekki eins og hann eigi símann eða eitthvað, hann tapar ekkert á samkeppni persónulega.
Og ég tel mig vera mjög viss um að hann kemur ekki nálægt því að gera tilboð fyrir símann.
Hugsa smá, ólíkt utanlands downloadi, þá kostar það ekki neitt.
Lifðu Heil/l<br><br><i>This is my guitar.
There are not many like it, this one is mine.
My guitar is my best friend.
He is my life. I must master him as I must master my life.
My guitar, without me, is useless.
Without my guitar, I am a drummer.
I must play my guitar true.
I must rock over my enemy, who is trying to hip hop me.
I must rock him before he hip hops me.
In The Name Of Rock!</i>
WarCraft III : Hrodi