Þannig er mál með vexti að mig vantar að vita hvaða hljómsveit þetta er. Þetta er einhver metal hljómsveit. Hérna er brot úr textanum í laginu:

“Brothers everywhere
raise your hands into the air
cuz we're warriors,
warriors of the world”<br><br><a href="http://members.home.nl/saen/Special/Zoeken.swf">http://members.home.nl/saen/Special/Zoeken.swf</a>

wake me up before I kill myself
<b>Amen to that!</b> <a href="http://kasmir.hugi.is/sinzi/“>Fjandskotinn!</a>

<font color=”red“>”Just because I'm paranoid it doesn't mean that people aren't still fallowing me"</font