Jamm, og sumir nota meira að segja stera til að ýta sér áfram í þeirri íþrótt. :)<br><br><font color=“gray”><i>“In the beginning, there was Man, and for a time, it was good.
But Humanity's so called ”civil“ societies soon fell victim to vanity and corruption.
Then Man made the Machine, in his own likeness.
Thus did man become the architect of his own demise.
But for a time, it was good. </i>
<b>-Animatrix: <a href=”
http://static.hugi.is/misc/movies/animatrix/second_renaissance_part1.mov“>The Second Renaissance Part 1.</a></b>
<i>”Hjálp kæra Rósa, ég er 12 ára, 167 cm og 13 kíló. Er það eðlilegt eða er ég ekki alltof þung??
PS: Ég er enn þá hrein mey, er það algengt hjá stúlkum á mínum aldri??
Kveðja Sexybabe“</i>
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