Gleymt lykilorð


7.778 eru með Teiknimyndir sem áhugamál
24.928 stig
304 greinar
2.491 þræðir
51 tilkynningar
268 pistlar
1.549 myndir
896 kannanir
25.317 álit


Kjarrval Kjarrval 1.542 stig
Xanderz Xanderz 434 stig
StettJ StettJ 356 stig
hulda hulda 318 stig
mahalo mahalo 262 stig
Gspeed Gspeed 238 stig
Feiturfroskur Feiturfroskur 228 stig


Álit Höfundur Sent inn Síðasta álit
214 - Let's Go to the Hop 0 [Notanda eytt] 30. sep 2003 20:38 30. sep 2003 20:38
214 - Let's Go to the Hop 0 [Notanda eytt] 30. sep 2003 20:37 30. sep 2003 20:37
212 - Fifteen Minutes of Shame 0 [Notanda eytt] 29. sep 2003 21:13 29. sep 2003 21:13
211 - A Pitcure Is Worth 1,000 Bucks 0 [Notanda eytt] 27. sep 2003 16:58 27. sep 2003 16:58
210 - Running Mates 0 [Notanda eytt] 26. sep 2003 22:57 26. sep 2003 22:57
205 - Love Thy Thropy 0 [Notanda eytt] 25. sep 2003 20:35 25. sep 2003 20:35
204 - Brian in Love 0 [Notanda eytt] 25. sep 2003 20:35 25. sep 2003 20:35
202 - Holy Crap 0 [Notanda eytt] 23. sep 2003 22:20 23. sep 2003 22:20
201 - Peter, Peter, Caviar Eater 0 [Notanda eytt] 23. sep 2003 22:19 23. sep 2003 22:19
107 - Brian: Portrait of a Dog 0 [Notanda eytt] 22. sep 2003 20:53 22. sep 2003 20:53
106 - The Son Also Draws 0 [Notanda eytt] 22. sep 2003 20:53 22. sep 2003 20:53
104 - Mind Over Murder 0 [Notanda eytt] 22. sep 2003 17:38 22. sep 2003 17:38
Homer's Odyssey 0 Ragnarr 22. sep 2003 00:15 22. sep 2003 00:15
Bart the genius 0 Ragnarr 21. sep 2003 23:41 21. sep 2003 23:41
103 - Chitty Chitty Death Bang 0 [Notanda eytt] 21. sep 2003 20:09 21. sep 2003 20:09
102 - I Never Met The Dead Man 0 [Notanda eytt] 21. sep 2003 19:38 21. sep 2003 19:38
612 – A Ladder to Heaven 0 Kjarrval 1. ágú 2003 11:11 1. ágú 2003 11:11
609 - Free Hat 0 Kjarrval 1. ágú 2003 10:16 1. ágú 2003 10:16
608 – Red Hot Catholic Love 0 Kjarrval 1. ágú 2003 09:04 1. ágú 2003 09:04
607 - The Simpsons Already Did It 0 Kjarrval 1. ágú 2003 09:01 1. ágú 2003 09:01
605 - Fun With Veal 0 Kjarrval 1. ágú 2003 08:07 1. ágú 2003 08:07
103 - Eenie Meenie Miney Murder 3 Kjarrval 20. apr 2001 20:24 8. jún 2002 20:59
The Boy Who Knew Too Much 0 [Notanda eytt] 4. jún 2002 23:45 4. jún 2002 23:45
Bart Sells His Soul 0 [Notanda eytt] 28. maí 2002 22:26 28. maí 2002 22:26
Lisa the Vegetarian 0 [Notanda eytt] 28. maí 2002 22:12 28. maí 2002 22:12
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