Nafn: Little Big Mom
Leikstjóri: Mark Kirkland
Handrit: Carolyn Omine
Lisa: Okay, now we're gonna draw jobs from the chore hat!
Homer: Come on, bikini inspector! Scrub toilet? Okay, that was a practice! Practice….. practice… Okay, here we go.. feed fish.
Bart: I'll supervise!
Lisa: You know, the reason for the hat..
Homer: Oh, it's a great hat. No one's questioning the hat.
Lisa: Will you at least do the dishes?
Homer: Lisa I'll do the dishes when I pick it out of the chore hat and it's not a practice….. See, there it is! But that was a practice. The system works!
Gestaleikarar: Elwood Edwards
Tókstu eftir:
.. Poochie hefur lifnað við!
.. Lisa á tölvuna ennþá
.. Disco Stu og Mr. Sakamoto nota sömu línuna “..wants you to be comfortable while = does his thing..”
.. Ned og Maude hættu saman einhverntíman um 1959 þegar Ben-Hur var sýnd.
.. Springfield hefur allavegana 4 sjúkrahús
Um: Simpson fjölskyldan fer í skíðaferð og Marge endar með brotinn fót. Lisa fær þá móðurhlutverkið á heimilinu en hún kemst fljótt að því að það hlutverk var einum of mikið fyrir hana.
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