209 - If I'm Dyin' I'm Lyin'
Höfundur: Chris Sheridan
Leikstjóri: Swinton O. Scott III
Gestaraddir: Martin Mull, Danny Smith IV, Jeff Bennett
Um þáttinn:
Peter segir Draumasjóðnum að Chris sé að deyja svo að uppáhalds þátturinn þeirra verði settur aftur í loftið.
- Skólinn hans Chris heitir Buddy Cianci Junior High.
Skemmtileg “Quotes”:
Peter: You gonna eat that stapler?
Calahan: Umm… you can't eat a stapler…
Peter: Wanna split it?
Chris: Are you sure this'll work?
Peter: Chris, this is just another one of your crazy schemes.
Chris: But this whole thing was your idea.
Peter: You'll find out.
Chris: Dad, you're not makin' any sense.
Peter: You just leave that to me.
Peter: Lois, anyone who wouldn't pretend their own son is dyin' to get the Gumble's back on TV is a racist. There. I said it.
Peter: I'll handle it Lois. I read a book about this sort of thing once.
Brian: Are you sure it was a book? Are you sure it wasn't NOTHING?.
Peter: Oh yeah.
Peter: When did God ever say he didn't want someone else being worshiped like him?
Lois: Its one of the Ten Commandments.
Peter: Oh come on Lois, those were written like 200 years ago. Times have changed.
Peter: I look like a freakin' Emmy! Hint, Hint.