102 - I Never Met The Dead Man 102 - I Never Met The Dead Man

Höfundur: Chris Sheridan

Leikstjóri: Michael Dante DiMartino

Gestaraddir: Erik Estrada, Joey Slotnick

Um þáttinn:
Peter keyrir niður sjónvarpssendi borgarinnar og kennir Meg um það. Á meðan finnur Peter hvernig lífið er þegar maður situr ekki fyrir framan imbann endalaust og Stewie reynir að drepa Brokkólí.

- Meg gengur í James Woods Memorial Highschool. James Wood er mjög frægur Hollywood leikari.
- Í endanum ýtir Stewie brokkólíinu á diskinn hans Brians.

Skemmtileg “Quotes”:
Peter: Sorry Meg. Daddy loves ya, but Daddy also loves Star Trek, and in all fairness, Star Trek was here first.

Peter: Isn't “bribe” just another word for love?

Peter: Meg, don't believe what they're saying. I always keep my eyes on the road. I don't miss a thing.
TV: We now return to Star Trek
Peter: Holy Crap Uhura's black?

Peter: Fox is running one of those new reality specials tonight. Fast animals, Slow Children.

Peter: I know just how you feel pumpkin, I've had my share of dissapointments too.
Doctor: It's a girl!
Peter: Can ya… can ya check again?

Peter: Let's play a game called Takin' the fall for Daddy If you win, I'll buy you a convertible when you get your license.
Meg: Really? Oh Daddy, now I love you again.
Peter: Oh, you're gonna make some Jewish Guy a great Wife

Teacher: Well class, we WERE scheduled to watch a PBS Program on the mating rituals of the nude, large breasted wewak tribe of New Guinea. Unfortunately Meghan Griffin ruined TV. So instead we're having a surprise test.

Tom Tucker: Well Diane, that last report was so good I think you deserve a spanking.
Diane: Oh Tom, I don't think your wife would appreciate that.
Tom: Haha, that frigid old cow lives in Quahog she can't hear a word I'm saying.
Camera Guy: Actually, we're back on the air in Quahog.

Peter: Come on everyone, we're late for the Bavarian Folk Festival. You know those Germans, if you don't join their party they'll come get ya!

Kirk: Alright men, this is a dangerous mission. And its likely one us will be killed. The landing party will consist of myself, Mr Spock, Doctor McCoy, and Ensign Ricky.
Ensign Ricky: Ahh crap.

William Shatner: Beam me up God.