“ Can we please stop talking about my personal life ?” “- Yes .. lets talk about leela´s personal life later”
“its a sunny little doomed planets .. inhabitied by a number of frisky little doomed animals” “- animals ? ” “- thats right animals in desperate need of rescue.. you see ( svo seigir hann eitthvað um svart stuff sem er geðveikt þungt.. ) ”- wait what about the animals.. “ ”- well dark matter is extremly valueable for starship fuel thats why it was all mined out left compleetly hollow“ ”-yes but what about the animals ? “ ”- the wha ? “ ”- the animals “ ”- i didnt say anything about animals
það var geðveikt en var það ekki cham-pag-enn ekki nne :P en annars haltu áfram með myndirnar það er geðveikt :Þ líka
“ It was just a matter about outsmarting them.. ” “- woah i would never had thought that.. ” “ yes the killbots had a limmit i just sent waves after waves after waves of my men untill they reached their limmit and shutdown” :D
Brannigans law ! :D
“The Jackass wants too see you and he wants you to wear this ” ( eitthvað svona BDSM stuff or some ;D)
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana.
Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..