204 - Chickenlover :D
Cartman: Step out of the car please sir.
Randy: Wait a second, aren't you Stan's little friend?
Cartman: Sir, step out of the car please…
Randy: …yeah you're the one who always pluggs up the toilet in our house!
Cartman: Hey! I am a cop and you will respect my authorata'!
Randy: Yeah right, you better get back to school little boy
(Cartman lemur hann)
Randy: Oww!
Cartman: Get your ass to jail!
(cartman heldur áfram að lemja hann án þess að stoppa)
Randy: Oww! Hey what the hell are you doing…you can't do that, Oww, oww!
Cartman: …Sweet…
snilldar atriði, ef þið hafið ekki séð það farið og leigjið þennan þátt eða e-ð!