Flestir vita að FOX hefur hætt við 5.seríu af Futurama það er smá svona copy/paste dæmi hér fyrir neðan:
To: FOX Broadcasting Company
Dear Fox
We are signing this petition in response to the fact that Futurama has sadly been cancelled. We are huge fans of the show and rarely miss an episode, the show has given us much happiness and joy and we have enjoyed watching it improve and grow stronger through the years.
When we found out that the show has been cancelled we were surprised because there is a huge fan base for the show and it has a large online following, too. Many of us watch the show with friends and believe it has vast quantities of potential and has an almost never ending amount of fresh possibilities.
Futurama is, in our opinion one of the most innovative, clever, funny and entertaining shows on TV and we feel very upset at the thought of it being cancelled. The show needs to continue because there are many plots within the show which would be left unfinished if it ended now.
Recently, Season One was released on DVD, every single DVD magazine gave Futurama high scores for its content and entertainment value. This was later backed up by the public who managed to put it at number 3 in the DVD sales charts. If you continued to make the show then you would be able to make huge profits from DVD sales.
In all honesty Futurama was never really given a fair chance, it's had little publicity and it got pre-empted too often due to sports or Simpsons re-runs. Futurama has managed to gain a huge number of fans despite its anti-social scheduling. If it was aired more routinely we are sure it would gain many more visitors, too. All too often there are gaps of more than a month interrupting its airing which makes it very hard to gain fans.
Please rethink.