hérna eru öll störfin:
(copy-að af Wikipedia)
* Schoolyard anti-bully army's general (Bart the General)
* Slave at a French vineyard (The Crepes of Wrath)
* Actor on a political ad (Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish)
* A daredevil (Bart the Daredevil)
* Blood donor (Bart vs. Thanksgiving) and (Blood Feud)
* Fat Tony's Slave (Bart the Murderer)
* Boxcar racer (Saturdays of Thunder)
* Necromancer (Treehouse of Horror III)
* Movie actor (Radioactive Man)
* A courier (Bart on the Road)
* News Anchor (Girly Edition)
* Lard salesman (Lard of the Dance)
* Faith healer (Faith Off)
* Jockey (Saddlesore Galactica)
* Thai menu boy (Lisa the Tree Hugger)
* Con artist (The Great Money Caper)
* Android's Dungeon manager (Worst Episode Ever)
* Boy band singer (New Kids on the Blecch)
* Police sting agent (Trilogy of Error)
* A comic book writer (I Am Furious Yellow)
* Commericial Actor (Barting Over)
* T-shirt designer (Fat Man and Little Boy)
* An assistant barber
* Nuclear power plant safety inspector (Missionary: Impossible)