Ég held að maður getur hlegið endalaust að þessu:
Peter Griffin: I tried finding my talent like you said. First, I tried art.
Am I supposed to draw the penis?
Then I tried sculpting.
Am I supposed to sculpt the penis?
Then I tried music.
Am I supposed to conduct with my penis?
Tom Tucker: In other news, an accident caused the Quahog cable television transmitter to be knocked out, which will prevent broadcasting to the entire city. Actually, no can hear this, so it doesn't really matter what I say. I'm the lord Jesus Christ. I think I'm going to get drunk and beat up some hookers. How about you, Diane?
Diane Simmons: Well, Tom, I just plain don't like black people.
Director: Uh, guys, we're still on in Boston.
Tom Tucker: Diane, that last report was so good, you deserve a spanking.
Diane Simmons: Oh, Tom… I don't think your wife would like that.
Tom Tucker: My wife is a bitter old hag, she's in Quahog and cant hear a word we're saying.
Director: Uh, guys, we're back on in Quahog.
Þegar Brian og Stewie voru að jarðsetja mömmu Brians
Stewie Griffin: Yay and God said to Abraham, “you will kill your son, Issak”, and Abraham said, “I can't hear you, you'll have to speak into the microphone.” “Oh I'm sorry, Is this better? Check, check, check… Jerry, pull the high end out, I'm still getting some hiss back here.”
Þegar Charles er búinn að missa strákinn sinn í klósettið.
Charles Lindburgh: OK, don't panic. He was kidnapped. You go phone the police, I'll write the note.
Mrs. Lindburgh: [pointing at Amelia Earhart] But what about Amelia? She saw everything.
Charles Lindburgh: I'll take care of her.
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