einhver möguleiki er að Futurama komi aftur.. en mjög litlar líkur á því, því miður.. ég er big Futurama fan :) á alal þætttina “Löglega” í tölvunni (suss, ekki segja neinum) og horfi reglulega á þá alla..
Tekið af www.TVTome.com
“A more in-depth version of David X. Cohen's interview with TV Guide can be found at TVGuide.com where David discusses how pleased he is that Futurama has become such a huge success on Cartoon Network, TBS and on DVD. He also discusses how poorly Fox treated the show over the past few years by not giving the it enough promotion unlike Cartoon Network. David also mentions the work that they put into the DVDs once they saw how popular they were and Futurama's possible come back”
Tekið af www.imdb.com forum
“Well, it isn't for me but it might be for you. Futurama just may be coming back some day. Cartoon Network bought a sixth season that may start sometime next year”
Ég vona að CN haldi áfram.. lámark 1 seríu.. en vona meira :D