Main Entry: ger·bil
Variant(s): also ger·bille /'j&r-b&l/
Function: noun
Etymology: French gerbille, from New Latin Gerbillus, diminutive of gerboa, jerboa jerboa
Date: 1849
: any of numerous Old World burrowing desert rodents (Gerbillus and related genera) with long hind legs adapted for leaping
Main Entry: ro·dent
Pronunciation: 'rO-d&nt
Function: noun
Etymology: ultimately from Latin rodent-, rodens, present participle of rodere to gnaw; akin to Latin radere to scrape, scratch, Sanskrit radati he gnaws
Date: 1859
1 : any of an order (Rodentia) of relatively small gnawing mammals (as a mouse, a squirrel, or a beaver) that have in both jaws a single pair of incisors with a chisel-shaped edge
2 : a small mammal (as a rabbit or a shrew) other than a true rodent
- rodent adjective
I stand corrected<br><br>
UT2003= [SoS]Lalli
UT= SoS-Death Knight
CS= ]MU[“hvað sem er”
“Life is hell, enjoy it”
(my philoshopy)